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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. This should not surprise you, Holly is a fuck slut and i'm honestly surprised it's taken her this long to thumb threw all the Tinder adds!
  2. Either prove it by showing it to me or keep quiet about it!! You can laugh all you want and I'm never going to believe you regardless if someone else tells me that you have seen it. Prove it or drop it!!
  3. This is nothing new, 85% of all the Barca girls spend more time outside the apartments than in them.
  4. LMAO...they sure look like pretty young Thai boys to me! I hope they are not considering jumping!!
  5. Listen up you egotistical person, i'm not inflicting any kind of torture upon myself. I do not appreciate the hierarchy of RLC and the way they have ruined what was once a great website. For some stupid reason you have this idea of me that I'm some bad person because I speak my mind and I don't coddle these porn actors...and that just shows that you don't know a DAMN thing about me or what I stand for!! I haven't had any kind of membership going on 4 years now Moos and maybe one day you will get that through your thick head. Before I became a non member of RLC, I had observed the actions and the guests of Nelly & Bogdan, looking for a guest that might have been willing to show more than her smile. In doing those observations, I've seen guest snorting cocaine off the counter top in the public bathroom and various other incidents that told me I didn't like the two. You can support the drug use of all these tenants, I sir....do not!! Nelly & Bogdan are controlling people and their involvement in B4 is just ridiculous. They are managers of the Barcelona apartments and they have no business being involved in the project. I could careless if you can tell me about their times in Italy, Russia, or now in Spain!! There will never be anything that you can tell me that will change my mind about them....you're wasting your breath! I do not hate anyone Moos, not you or Miscvoyeur or Ed2 or anyone else. I simply look at it different than you and because I do, the all mighty defender of everything RLC thinks I'm a bad person. If anything it is you that needs to grow up and see that not everyone is going to fall prey to your constant berating of them! I don't beg for videos or pictures anymore as you say, I have in the past but I don't beg for them anymore. Every now and then, when I logon to the forum, I am greeted with a gift or two from very generous members of this forum. I appreciate them and they know I do without a doubt. They know the kind of person I am, and you sir....don't have a clue!! If the way i approach some of the comments of this forum comes off to you or any other member as taking them for idiots, then so be it. I haven't ever sugar coated anything and not about to start now because of you!!
  6. I don't blame you for unsubscribing, these two (Nel & Bog) are a freaking joke and should not be in this house!!
  7. I've been around RLC longer than you have Moos, I know all about their sorry asses!! END OF DISCUSSION!!
  8. Love is love Nick! You love a person for who they are and not for what they are worth!!
  9. Moos...you persistent @#$%, of course I remember Kiko! The difference is that Kiko wasn't there that often as he was off trying to grow the business and was treated more like a conjugal fuck than anything else. I'm sorry you like the worthless Nelly and Bogdan, I've never liked their chain smoking asses and never will !!!!
  10. Hello, everyone, this is your action news reporter with all the news that is news across the nation, on the scene at the supermarket. There seems to have been some disturbance here. Pardon me, sir, did you see what happened? Yeah, I did. I's standin' overe there by the tomaters, and here she come, running through the pole beans, through the fruits and vegetables, nekkid as a jay bird. And I hollered over t' Ethel, I said, "Don't look, Ethel!" But it's too late, she'd already been incensed. Here she comes, Boogity, Boogity, there she goes, Boogity, Boogity and she ain't wearin' no clothes Oh, yes, they call her the Streak Boogity, Boogity, fastest thing on two feet Boogity, Boogity She's just as proud as she can be, of her anatomy, she's goin' give us a peek
  11. This will be key for her!! As for Karla, didn't she get in on quite a few shows herself?
  12. Yes it was Moos and that's the last I'm going to say about it to you!!
  13. LOL if anyone here doesn't accept it?? Anyone here has no say in the matter. What she does is her own business! I wouldn't want to see it if I was a sub, but that's just me.
  14. I recall Nora being in B1 but that was different than what is taking place now in B4....totally different!!
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