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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Says who? Did you pick that up from your social media accounts LMAO...you, nor anyone else know the status of B3 as it pertains to RLC 😬
  2. LMAO now that you mention it......NO! Why in the heck does she have to be so visible, her and her other half are much better to be invisible!! Why does she have to go to every apartment to take a bath or shower? I honestly can't stand her or Bogdan and it's best for all the viewers if they were never to be seen again!!!
  3. It doesn't bother any of you that the managers of the Barcelona apartments/house are constantly showing up in all the Barcelona apartments/house? If it doesn't, it should!
  4. Howard is just saying it like he believes it to be and I agree, there is nothing wrong in that. However, no matter if she is gone more than she is doing anything note worthy while she's in, nobody...and I do mean nobody knows what she's doing when she is away from the apartment. For all anyone knows, Paul could have moved to Prague with Eva and they have their own place together. Nobody knows anything about what she does when she is gone regardless of what they hear on miked up camera's. It's kind of like someone taking everything they read or see on their social media accounts and believing it's all true!!
  5. I'm sure 50 Shades of Shit has nothing to do with what you are seeing now days!
  6. LMAO with Masha involved, you aren't missing anything anyway!! She is the easiest lay in her entire country!!! P.S. Before you respond to me Ash1 like you did SR, at this very minute I have nothing to do with my time!!
  7. I couldn't agree with you more!! However, it's not just Bogdan that needs to go, it's that worthless Nelly as well. The two of them together are hindering the actions and the movements of the other residents. This is what is going to happen now that you brought it up so elegantly, starting tomorrow or within a couple of days, the girls will start acting out of character around Nelly & Bogdan after the two get through telling them to do so.....wait and see, I promise you that I will be reading how they have gone from always being covered to walking around topless and nude. You will see that I am right but the fact of the matter is, Bogdan & Nelly have NO BUSINESS being residents in the house....none at all!!!
  8. Yes it is but this is a liberal forum so you have to tiptoe around everybody here and only say things in a nice way as not to hurt anyone's feelings!!
  9. I understand and I think it's great that you go with your dad when he is going hunting to spend that special time with him! What I (we) do by feeding the wildlife, only makes it better for all, the hunters and wildlife alike. I would rather have a healthy herd instead of a weak herd any day. We've had some bad blights down here with oak trees before so I know what you mean. My suggestion is to plant more Chestnut trees. We planted 13 Chestnut trees and lost 6 of them in the first month due to the deer eating the bark and all....they really love those darn things lol. I'll be sure and let you know how we did after the season!
  10. I remember when Rosey and Belle initiated her in Milena's room a year ago or so. Didn't she seem embarrassed then as well? She loved it from what I can remember!
  11. Your guess is as good as mine and probably better since you watch her.
  12. Well, there you go Nemo, she's apparently even got a poochie stomach lol.
  13. They even made a song about Leora... I took a look inside your bedroom door, you looked so good lying on your bed Well, I asked you if you wanted any rhythm and love, you said you want to rock 'n' roll instead
  14. I don't know if she is pregnant but from what all I've read, the signs are all there....stretch pants and all.
  15. No different than being a stripper is it? Girls are the gift of tease should they decide to go that route!
  16. Hi Ashley, how are you? I'm not familiar with the game laws in Pa. but I can tell you this, it all comes down to preparation and planning. We plan and plant my place 2 times a year, once in the early spring to give the deer the necessary nutrients to replenish what they lost during the hunting season due to pressure and the rut, and once in the early fall to provide good sources of protein and iron which helps their antler growth and puts some spring back in their step. We also put out trace mineral stations is different parts of the ranch which are homemade and the deer really like them. Our mineral stations are earth based, meaning....that we just poor out a mixed up concoction of trace minerals straight on the ground and it usually lasts for 3 months. We also make man made bedding areas and set the place up to keep deer in it instead of out of it. Plenty of good food, water, and minerals is the key!! Also, I don't know how Chestnut trees would do in your area, but the deer absolutely love Chestnut's. A great source for natural protein! I'm also not familiar if you are referring to your own place or not but if you are, it's never too late to start a game plan of your own. Trust me, you will get a lot of pleasure out of seeing the results. Good luck to you in whatever you decide to do!!
  17. Yes, we get it, you are a jack off of all, master of none LMAO
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