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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I'm not a total asshole and I don't rip the girls to bits and I'm for damn sure not going to not just say nothing. I speak from the heart and I speak my mind!
  2. I'm always nice, and twice on Sunday's! I'm not just going to spout out compliments upon compliments to the tenants thinking it's going to get me somewhere. It does far more damage than good. The needs to be an even balance of good and bad or what you are apparently seeing or feeling with RLC right now......happens!! That being said, good morning to all!
  3. and possibly under covers LOL That's enough for me guys, if I keep posting the mods might think I like this change and in no freaking way do I like this change!! You all have a good one!!
  4. You don't have to be nice all the damn time ChiliPeeper!!
  5. Apparently so....I think we all know the night air is not good for someone with a cold but then again it might just be sinuses.
  6. LOL she must really be on her last breath sick 😏
  7. You SUCKUP.....she hasn't left yet as far as I'm aware, so what you should have said was don't let the door hit you in your flabby ass on the way out Kim and please don't ever even think about coming back!!
  8. Did she go out? I thought I read she was in bed?
  9. More power to him is all I got to say. I've played golf since I was 12 or 13 years old and i'm now 60 and i've never came even remotely close to shooting my age. Now, if I make it to the age of 74 I can say that at one time I shot my age lol
  10. So this means you are retiring to spend time on the course and with your loved ones? If that's that the case, my heart can calm down a bit. Enjoy your retirement my friend and whatever you do, stay in touch and let someone know how you are doing in your retirement. Thank you for your Modship, I think you were a good mod regardless of what I may have said at times. Good luck and best wishes, HFB! P.S. When you do shoot your age, you must take a snapshot of the scorecard and post it to the forum!!
  11. It's not the moderators job to make new topics, it's the members of the forum and that's what they are trying to encourage but the problem is, it will be just like you opened your file cabinet and dumped everything on the floor!! Total disarray if you will allow me to say.
  12. Yes, she was cute, fun, and had some small perky breasts at one time but not any more.....now they are missile tits from what I remember seeing.
  13. Does she even know you exist? If so then anything is possible but probably not probable lol
  14. Yeah, I liked Ilona as well until she got a boob job....that ruined it for me!
  15. Thank you, I thought I had read that on here somewhere
  16. You know what...with all the confusion going on now I completely forgot lol. Thanks for reminding me, I'm gone again!!
  17. I dedicate this song to the one and only Mrs. Lyree!
  18. I understand what you are saying and I believe the reason you feel lost is because the forum had gone through changes just as you came back to see what was happening. I believe that another reason why you might feel lost is because everybody is in pandemic meltdown, the tenants are not being changed out and it seems quite obvious that RLC just doesn't give a rats ass about doing anything about it and people are bored and just trying to pass the days hoping for changes in the apartments. Once and if the changes start happening, I feel you will see a change in the posting of the forum and things will get back to normal. Just hang in there and lets see what happens. P.S. I remember those occasions you spoke of and I really liked the way Irma and Anna were going at it until Anna just couldn't go through with it. I've also always like Rita a lot...classy lady in my opinion. Nora intrigued me at first but that's about it with her.
  19. now I know you are f@cking with me lol.....porridge is not good for birds!
  20. Was that the only day you attended school?
  21. be careful or they will shut this topic down lol
  22. I understand, not sure if I believe all that malarkey though. You are a sharp individual and a lot of women I know really like that in a man and they love to laugh and that's where the funny, witty side of you comes in. I'm sure you did alright back in the day.
  23. LOL you are one funny sumbitch Foamy T! I bet you were well loved by most if not all of the girls in your high school just because of your humor/wit !!
  24. OMG....LMAO....that's some funny shit right there, i don't care who you are. You are not a cyclops squirrel by any chance are you?
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