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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. LOL getting ready for the big party letdown no doubt!!
  2. LMAO...I'm 60 years old and you think I really don't know what the word snatch means or signifies? I know snatch is another word for pussy and so is vagina, lady bits, poon, poon-tang, punani, vajayjay, cooter, cooch, muff, penis fly trap, sugar notch, sugar cookie, hoo-haw, honey pot, beaver, thatched cottage, pink panther, hot pocket, cunt, cherry, vertical smile, pink taco, love tunnel, peach, lawrence of a labia, the promise land, furburger, pink mink, the bat cave, and velvet goldmine to name a few. Now that I have learned you a little something, let's get on with the regularly schedule program lol.
  3. Must have restocked the medicine cabinet 😬
  4. What the fuck is it with you Lib-Tards? Why do you think that everybody has to get along and maybe even swap with other people just because they are on RLC? The other day I read where somebody wanted them gone because they didn't play nice with others...in other words, have sex with more than their significant other...what a bunch of fucking losers you people are!! Everybody wants to blame Bonnie and or Rama for everything wrong with B5 when there is really only 1 person to blame and that's that jackass Lucian. Lucian is a piece of shit crybaby that if he doesn't getting everything he wants he gets pissed off, throws shit, and pouts like a little 3 year old! You people think that just because Bonnie and Rama are on RLC that they should automatically join in the sexual festivities with others....I pity you worthless mother fuckers!! P.S. Trump/Pence are going to kick Biden/Harris' asses in just a little over 2 months!!! It's serves all you lefties right too....pathetic group of individuals you are!!
  5. Ohhh...they're (CC male cock lovers) getting the cock they all know and love now days that's for sure. You just have to look at it like this...to date, Pumpkin Head is the biggest drug user on RLC which fits in with Masha perfect because she also is a big drug user, so it only makes sense that the landlord for lack of a better word...Nelly, told the two groups all about each other. As for size, I hear he is a little above average but that's about it!! I know people on this forum have given him the "my shit don't stink" attitude!! I'm sure they will end up going over to Nelly and Bogdan's to meet up with them and Olya/Diane in B3 to have their fun for the evening!!
  6. LMAO...just like I said! RLC is so boring and predictable it isn't even funny anymore!!!
  7. The filming is nowhere near the same!! Everything filmed in "REAL" porn is up close and personal!
  8. I couldn't tell you, I never watched him when they first came to RLC. The only time I would watch their apartment is when it was only Leora there, I didn't pay my money to watch guys!!!
  9. I personally didn't witness any of that but I have read things about it, and although it is sad that that happened to her, she should have left his ass the first time he ever laid a hand on her from anger or jealousy or for any number of reasons. However, there are steps that can be taken to ensure that she has no apprehension from him or anybody else for that matter. A person should never live in the shadows of fear, and should put fear in the shadows!! I was raised by the finest mom & dad a son could ever have! They taught their children to grow up to be fine upstanding contributors and citizens of society. In there teachings was a quote I heard many times and it goes like this...."an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", and one of my all time favorites was...."do unto others as you would have them do unto you"!!
  10. I agree and no matter what Paul see's, if Leora really wanted to take it further, she should regardless of what he see's and I like you believe he can probably see what goes on but that should be no deterrent to Leora if that is what she really wants to do!! I don't see the problem if she were to like girls and guys, especially in todays society.....just ask your favorite mod....Moos. He will set us all straight lol.
  11. Well...I agree with everything you just said!! I also can understand the disappointment! About 4 to 6 weeks ago, I even told a very generous big time fan of hers that he didn't have to send me anymore videos because I honestly couldn't see it going any further. I might of made the biggest mistake of my life telling him that because if it ever does go any further, I will be SOL!!
  12. Come on man...if she is one of your favorites, she won't let you down. Better yet, call up a friend and invite her over telling her you will give her a massage. Anyone that watches RLC, especially since the Barca places came online, should be a pro masseuse by now LOL. What have you got to lose, her telling you....not tonight, I have a headache? At least you did your part and tried!!
  13. LOL if I had a penny for how many times I've heard that with different people on this forum...I'd be a millionaire!! P.S. I hope you get your thrills from her tonight
  14. I wouldn't have a problem with that if I was a sub as long as the rest of the week was for me and the other subs. As it is right now, Malia is there for taking up slack and that is more than likely their plan from the get go. I can see how a lot of her fans are getting bitter tastes in their mouth's because of it. It sounds like the times she is in the apartment that it's business as usual. I couldn't tell you how happy I was when I read her friend was now a resident with her in Prague and then I started reading about these massages and that made me really happy, and thanks to a few kind souls, I even got to see some of it and I was liking what I was seeing and then it all stopped which in all truthfulness, as I expected it would. Leora is not into women because if she was, she has a more than willing participant with her right now from what i've been reading and from what i've seen. Now Malia has someone that is occupying some of her time when out and that enables Leora to do what she has done for years for her fans and then when it's Leora's turn, Malia is there to give the fans a little something to see other than an empty apartment.
  15. They are all long days if you are a subscriber to RLC!!
  16. Her time has been up but then again, Babi is not the answer either!! NEW people, is all that should come out of any of you all's mouths, and I don't mean making Babi a repeat or any other tenant that has already been seen on RLC!!
  17. so what are you saying? was it good, did they work with the cameras for good views, was it...you've seen one fuck and you've seen them all, did they have the lights on at least and not covered, did she take it in the ass like a young teenager should, tell me what you thought because in all actuality....it's not that late!!
  18. Hooray...maybe there will be an orgy and all you dick lovers will be happy......go Babi, bring it on home for the tea bagging lovers!!
  19. this post was 34 minutes ago lol and it must have been some kind of fuck since there is so many comments!!
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