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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I would be willing to bet good money that if you haven't seen anything progress by now, then you won't see anything further...now or in the future.
  2. You answered your own question....BRAVO! RLC is a porn site!!
  3. You are absolutely correct, if that doesn't speak for itself nothing will!
  4. I can believe it about the PM's but I call bullshit on them about stopping because there was people questioning their translations based on what was observed. It's like everybody believing everything you tell them Thes, that's a crock of shit right there IMO. It's easy for everybody to think that everything the tenants want...and I repeat WANT you to hear is or should be the truth but that's just not the way it is, you know it, I know it, and a lot of others know it. When they are talking where everybody can hear them the chance of everything they say being the gospel is just ridiculous. That was my point back in the day when there were actions and situations that warranted questioning the translators and I got black balled for it. Just PURE D bullshit!!
  5. You are more than welcome Nick....good luck with your hunt!!
  6. Interesting way of looking at it Rado...sad but true!
  7. There is quite a few of them under the GIF button above, maybe you can find one you like there?
  8. I don't follow you. Who has nothing and wants to sell it as dearly as possible?
  9. LOL thank you Raul, I like your greetings as well my friend. Have a good day sir!
  10. see post above this one...wait and see!
  11. I'm sorry to hear this Jimbo but I fear there will be many that will follow in your footsteps!!
  12. The military does get in the way for sure. I keep my hair from a #4 on the sides into a #6 on top. My hairdresser is the only reason that it's not a #4 all over!
  13. LOL my kids give me hell to this day about the long hair I used to have in my youth. They referred to me as the hippy of the family. Definitely much cooler when pulled back!
  14. LOL I'm sure Nelly is there to tell them that they need to invite Masha over (if she hasn't told them already) for one of their lame ass shows!!
  15. I'm not going to pretend that I have never called some of them whores, prostitutes or escorts because anyone that knows me on this forum knows that I would be lying. I am a firm believer in the old saying...."if the shoe fits, wear it"! People tune in to watch them live as close to a "Real Life" as they possibly can. Some tenants do it well and others don't have a clue and go overboard with it. The participants of RLC do know what they are there for and some do it well and others simply do not. I agree that refraining so as not to hurt one's feelings isn't going to buy you anything and like I said earlier, it's irrational for a tenant to think that way and even more irrational for a tenant to act that way on a site that they agreed to join for the reasons of pleasing the paying public. Let's face it, without the subs...RLC will cease to exist!!
  16. The job of being on an adult website is a job that comes with many praises and many criticisms. For a tenant to not do something because a viewer had bad things to say about that tenant, is irrational thinking on the part of the tenant in my opinion. RLC is a job whether anyone wants to believe that or not and tenants from what I had observed years ago and from what I read on this forum, simply do not treat it as such....once again, this is my opinion. The tenants job is to please their paying subscribers and no matter how you look at it, they can't do that if they are not home. Don't get me wrong, I know the tenants deserve to have some time away from the cameras but that IMO should be limited and not abused. Do you call a bat a bat or a dog a dog or....etc. etc. etc. I guess it's all in how one wants to look at things and for me personally, if a girl or a guy for that matter is acting in a way of being slutty or whorish or prostitutional with oneself, I wouldn't hesitate in person to call them out on it. There was a guy in a club one night that was being loud and obnoxious and quite frankly a total dick and I told him to his face that he was being all of those and ruining the other peoples good time at the club. To make a long story short, he was carted off to the county jail for starting a fight with me because I told him off. I knew there was the possibility of a fight but I made sure he understood that it was not going to be tolerated! PC and progress have heavily killed the forum already and this next thing they are going to try will be like putting the final nail in the coffin. I hope this was also non confrontational!!!
  17. I honestly believe it will and I think one of the major reasons for the change is to promote more new topics because apparently that is what makes a forum...a good forum in their eyes. So much so that they are giving Howdy Doody points to every forum member that creates new topics within the threads.
  18. Effective Tuesday, September 01/2020. I believe you will be doing the forum a disservice by doing what you powers of the forum are going to do. It's going to be hard for forum members to keep up and stuff is going to be scattered everywhere throughout the forum which is going to cause less participation and major redundancy. I know you stubborn Mods minds are made up but I think you all should rethink what you are trying to do before putting it into action. You will never get rid of the banter between forum participants as there should be no need for it, that's what makes a forum...a forum. The problem with this forum is that the majority of it's members believe that kissing the tenants bottom's is going to buy them something and I'm sorry but that's just not the case. The tenants have been getting away with murder for years when it comes to just about anything they want to do. If they want to take a vacation from a vacation, well fiddle sticks...that's alright with RLC. If they want to spend their time with doing all the good stuff on the rooftops, then Mary Poppins it is....and that's alright with RLC also. If they want to go out and entertain the rich and famous, well....that's alright with RLC too. There should always be differences of opinions because you people are paying good money to watch RLC, and with differences of opinions comes banter and tempers showing up which is normal. Now, can it all be done in a much more mature way? Yes it can and that's what needs to happen. Taking away the General Chat topics is not going to change anything and I think the forum will become dead because of it! It just seems that all of a sudden the moderators are having to actually moderate the forum and they are not liking that very much, but that is what you moderators signed up for when you took that position on the forum. So now, you all think by what you are going to do that it's going to make your job easier somehow and it's not. I have given my .02, does anyone else have anything to say about it or is everyone just going to sit in silence!!
  19. LMAO...the only reason they are popular is because of the revolving door of guests!! So, the joke is on you Jokker!!!
  20. You are correct that I should have started a long time ago and I did. My birthday is in May and I actually start looking at what I have and seeing what I need to update every May.....batteries, disinfectant wipes, and those kinds of things. As for food and water, i'm always good on that, I have plenty of wild game, fish, and canned veggies and a good gas griddle in case the power goes out. I have a generator that runs about 15 to 16 hours on one tank of fuel or 5 gallons if you will. I have spare propane tanks and 5 5-gallon containers of gas. Yesterday I mainly picked up some batteries, disinf. wipes, diet cokes, canned nuts, 2 bags of potatoes, and topped off my truck. In a couple of hours my son is going to follow me and we are going to take my vette to my brothers house in the country just in case. As ready as I am, I hope they both turn North and skate on by us. Harvey caused me some serious grief and I would rather not have to deal with that again!! Yes, a lot of people do get into altercations with each other at the gas pumps this time of year and that's just sad because they waited until the last minute before getting what they need...I see it every year without fail.
  21. LOL that's the most pitiful argument one could make about an apartment that is a waste and has been for a long time. Of course there is other apartments to watch but when it's the same old tenants that have been on RLC forever, very few if many of the long time viewers are watching them. People are getting bored with the same people participating year after year and it's really starting to show with the forum members who are just a small part of their sub base. You can keep throwing the proverbial....there are other apartments to watch shit out there but people aren't buying it anymore. RLC is in trouble and they are in need of drastic changes and those drastic changes should start with breaking up the friends cliques and getting brand new tenants. People are getting tired of the musical chair apartments in Barcelona and they are certainly tired of seeing the same old faces!! If RLC would dump all the current tenants and bring 10 apartments with brand new faces.....that would be like having 10 brand new apartments. Of course it will never happen because of all the friend zone bullshit but that is what needs to happen!! Now, if you will excuse me I have to go get some supplies to tie me over during the 2 storms that are threatening the area in which I live. Have a good night!!
  22. That is the worst thing that could happen for you, so you better hope he is way wrong!! It's time for RLC to make much needed changes and break all this friendship stuff up!!
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