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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. By the time I feed the dog and change out her water it will be time to go. You all have a good rest of your day!!
  2. Seems to be the status quo for this forum! This forum should be renamed to Clique Bate Central or CBC for short LMAO
  3. Have a good night yourself Pulo Filipeno!! I'm fixing to take my truck out and put it in some mud here shortly...have to wait until all the kiddies and their parents are in their houses because where we are all going is right behind their neighborhood and we will get more play time before the police start showing up and staging on the main road waiting for us to come out so the can scold us for being there lol.
  4. Thank goodness....that will help keep you from running into things!
  5. Yes, I know Leora was out catting around for the last 48 hours but my question is....how long did Malia leave before Leora got home? I don't see how anyone can say that Leora and Malia haven't been together after Malia left the apartment prior to Leora's arrival unless it was just seconds before Malia left that Leora came home. How long was Malia gone before Leora decided she had finally been out long enough?
  6. X said that because Leora arrived without Malia, that they were not together. Anybody else see it the same way?
  7. That's your prerogative for sure but i'm being totally honest and you can believe me or not!! P.S. What is your Platinum Raptor Spanker?
  8. Do what you feel is necessary JH, I think that is counterproductive but what do I know!
  9. That...is the smartest thing I have ever read that you posted!! With RLC....nothing is as it appears!!
  10. from what i'm reading, it doesn't seem to affect her very much right now.
  11. We could get deep off in it about who would stay and who would go but I venture to say that her other fans (the one's that don't sub to CC) would not have the patience as the one's that subscribe to this forum. Let's face it, knowing little tidbits of info go a long way!!
  12. LMAO...it's been a long time waiting that's for sure! Since i'm not going to be able to set my fonts to the size I want, and I only want my chime back, i've pretty much content with what we have now.
  13. I agree Pepe, Malia sure seems to catch a lot of hell from people and like you said, it's all about personal choice and apparently Leora's choice is to live outside more and more. You can't blame Leora either, she's already got the blessings from her biggest fans!
  14. taking them this long, it will probably have more bugs in it then fixes!!
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