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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. what difference does it make? from what i've been told she has been lying to him the whole time she's been there. LOL but what difference does it make if two girls go away with friends and then the rest go out after they have filled their hollow leg?? Milena is a liar and a cheat and that's all that matters!
  2. oh hell no C84....all people go out late and come home anywhere from 5 or 6 in the morning or all they way up to the following evening after they have slept and taken a good bath because there ain't no way in hell they are dancing all that time!! i assume you have replay and if you do, go back and pay close attention to how they looked right before they left because i can guarantee you that they won't look anything like that when they get home!!
  3. you are correct that they don't make any sense and there isn't a girl out there that would let another girl rub all over her man.....topless. from what i've heard, Aria has been flirting with uncle Mike ever since he showed up, so the polite words would have to be in abundance!! yes....the shows you are seeing will more than likely be what you will see until they leave unless they got a new shipment of drugs/ecstasy in. Blair and Mike are boring and so is all of their shows, but they don't care because they are making money....and good money at that!!
  4. LOL he is interested Sergio but he's just biding his time to make it look more false!! just like one weekend when he and Blair and the wart Loraine were in B4, I heard that Adelita wanted him bad but Blair was on the prowl and uncle Mike knew it and that's the only reason why he kept his cool. let's face it...if it wasn't for Blair, he would actually have to get a job!!!
  5. which is fucking wrong!! couples should be in couples apartments and not in a GOV apartment. RLC continues to fail on a daily basis!!!
  6. if it's the blondish haired friend, and from the description of what people have said....i assume it is, she has never been skinny!!
  7. I know what to say Ze.....it would be boring as hell. there would be no changes in their repertoire except for possibly a few guests that appear and might show you something. i don't want to sound like an asshole here but i've been told that they are now....pretty boring. that they have just been repeating things they do over and over. now....don't get me wrong, if they stay away from N & B they could repeat what they do all they want if i was a sub!
  8. i've never met a Canadian woman I didn't like!!
  9. we do have nudist camps/resorts and some nude/topless beaches but they are few and far between. my late wife and I met our English friends through a group study exchange program where we housed their daughter for almost an entire school year. when they visited us the following year after their daughter had returned to the UK, i asked them if they wanted to follow an itinerary or just shoot from the hip and relax, they said shoot from the hip and relax sounded good to them. at the time, i had a week long business meeting that i had to attend so i told my wife to show up later in the week and by then i would have more free time. they really wanted to go to the beach and looked forward to swimming in some warm water so that is what we did. we no sooner parked our vehicles and they were already out and butt naked lol.....now, you all know that was fine with me but not with the law so my wife and I promptly told them they couldn't do that here....LOL they couldn't believe it. they just assumed that what was good for their goose was also good for our gander. it was a good experience and i wouldn't trade it for the world!!
  10. now this is a post that is fair and honest! i can't believe it came from you Moos because you are such a supporter of RLC but from the sounds of it, you have a legitimate complaint and one that should go to customer support and not just be talked about on a forum that RLC visits daily. i strongly encourage everyone to always send RLC Support any complaints or thank you's that you might have (whether they answer you or not) and don't just post to this forum thinking that is enough. Good luck with your replay problems!
  11. i'm sorry Moos but there is a difference. our cultures are not even close for the most part. we had some friends visit from the UK and we decided to go to the beach and before anyone new what happened, they were down to their birthday suits and we had to cover them and tell them that they couldn't do that here. there is a difference from culture to culture.
  12. i was a heavy nightclub goer in my younger days and although that might be true in your part of the world, it's not true in my part of the world. girls in the nightclubs where i lived were few and far between as being compared to these girls!
  13. Maybe that means that she's not all strung out like so many of the rest of them, or she just smokes pot and gets a lot of munchies 🙂
  14. Yes Moos, my memory has deteriorated thanks to all the medication i'm on so i'm sorry if i have to ask things or say things over and over.
  15. i agree that society has changed and it's changed in a way where children growing up are doing it without their parents being there because in todays society for the most part it takes both parents working to make ends meet. that being the case, the children grow up with either someone else as their guiding force or after a certain age, nobody as their guiding force. they are left on their own to get into all sorts of trouble. the internet is the worst thing there ever was when it comes to children or teenagers. with that being said, i don't respect any of these girls or what they do for a living and i'm damn sure not going to be mocked by them or support their substance abuse issues!!!
  16. if you say so but I don't ever remember her name being Anastasiia.
  17. so...i just heard that Aria is getting all shaved up for the "Slutty Show" tonight....it's so easy to figure out their next move isn't it!!
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