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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. it should make for some amusing reading, i will give you that much lol.
  2. it's all good if you like her or anybody else for that matter, i didn't really care for her from the first time she was here. now that i don't watch anymore, it really doesn't matter. some will like her and some won't, that's just how it is.
  3. i wish i could help you but I can't. your answer will have to come from someone that followed their last stay. i hope you get your answer!! i will say what I believe but it doesn't matter because i don't watch the dog and pony show any longer. hell, i haven't even seen a thumbnail in over 2 years lol. good luck!!
  4. absolutely the best post of how it's going to be Thes!! Although, this time around i bet her angles will be straight at the camera......just a hunch I have. you will also see her with a guy having sex this time around i'm sure. it should or could be interesting, you just never know with RLC and their stable of girls!
  5. don't forget the photoshoots and chocolate rubdowns lol.......what a joke!
  6. of course......you are correct, i forgot about that. however, even he has bound to be tired of her by now lol.
  7. plus when they sleep they would all sleep at the same time allowing the subs to get more rest as well. the subs could set their clocks by them.......not that some of them don't already hehe.
  8. to heck with that Ze, how about they dump all the apartments and the house, buy a hotel and join all the rooms together and have every participant come back for one big reunion. you would never have to switch from apt to apt to house and then back to apt, all you would have to do is switch rooms.
  9. LOL you have a good point there but it's their first time and i've seen a lot of girls act the same way their first time, only to come back and make people say........where was this the last time she was there.
  10. wouldn't it be great to see normal stuff on RLC at all? you don't have to answer that, it's a rhetorical question lol.
  11. it's always fun to read CC, you really get to know the likes and dislikes in taste for these girls with people on this forum.
  12. i feel sorry for anyone that wanted to see Sofie come back. haven't you seen enough of this girl!!! now she brings in her 120 day stay allotment of suitcases, wow.....i'm sure she will be a slut on camera this time around!!
  13. OH....and I can't stand a cheater and if any of these girls have boyfriends while they are making a living on RLC and they cheat.......to hell with them!!!
  14. good point Kenzie. they can please some people some of the time but not all people all of the time. you know me, i'm not into hetero sex and right now RLC is full of it and one of the main reasons i quit watching. i don't know how many apartments they have anymore but i can promise you at least 80% of them are couples and i'm just not into that. the style they have chosen to enable themselves to compete is the VHTV style and it's not my cup of tea!! i don't like gang bangs or wife swapping or anything of the like, therefore i stay away!! Have a good one!
  15. anything is better than nothing i guess. i will tell you that i'm not a fan of the swinger lifestyle or a fan of what RLC is doing these days. i'm glad i'm not spending any money to support the kind of stuff that is happening now.
  16. I think she organizes rendezvous for the girls that are willing to participate. I don't believe it has anything to do with modeling or fashion, but you can be your own judge on that!!
  17. Don't beat yourself up Ze, it is what it is and it isn't going to change or else it would have already been taken care of. These girls are in tight with someone from RLC and that is why what they do is allowed to continue.
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