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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I used to like you Snakeater but recently you have shown me that you are one of them, through and through. You make posts based on whether or not your little clan will agree with them. I feel sorry for you! I never realized how sharing information between a group of individuals......whether it's right or not, proven beyond a shadow of a doubt or not, has led so many people to be totally lost and make complete and utter fools of themselves. I hope you are not one of those individuals that will lie to family and friends to make yourself seem important!
  2. First off......why is there only 20 spots? Why isn't every girl that has ever been on RLC not going to be on the list? By allowing people to comment before hand makes the Poll useless. Make a Poll and lock it down to where nobody can comment on it until after the results. Do I need to come and hold your hand so this can be done right??
  3. I'm caught up now which is easy to do when all the girls stay out all day and people have nothing to say. Have a good night Rider.
  4. I agree that forums are supposed to be fun and this forum used to be fun when I first joined it, but now days the fun has gone because the whole purpose of this forum has changed. Now days the forum thrives off the select few that are allowed to control what is discussed on this forum. I have a great sense of humor, can hang with the best of them when it comes to humor. What goes on on this forum is not humorous anymore. It's people being lashed out at for not agreeing with the group that controls this forum. You, yourself support them everyday so I know you understand what I'm talking about. Some people don't and can't handle the truth of what some people post on this forum. Again I say, this forum is nowhere near as fun as it used to be due to the people that pretty much control what is said every damn day!! I'm the same person that you and I used to have some good talks about things, but now days it's different!!! As for the polls, I agree that they are part of the forum but they always seem to migrate around what girl is the hottest and not what girls is worthy!!!
  5. The people on this forum would rather support a girl that goes out all the time and get's into mischief, than a hard working girl like Lana that goes out and earns an honest living. It's the same shit everyday. The girls that go out and party all night long and that are never home are the fantasy girls for every swinging dick on this forum. Why.......because the guys on this forum are bored with their everyday, pathetic lives and fantasize about the girls in the Barca apartments and I guess the KK&H apartment. Every now and then, read the posts as if you just became a member of this forum and you will see what I'm talking about. Make your poll but it won't mean a damn thing with the results!!
  6. There is no point to the poll Thesta........it's just another useless poll
  7. You guys are so sad!!! Everyday it's the same posts.......begging and pleading and wishing for something to happen that is just not going to happen!!
  8. It's all for show Kenny.......no realism what so ever. I'm surprised a guy like you hasn't figured that out yet LMAO.
  9. I hate to say this but the poll he is trying to put together is a mute point. No 2 people feel the same way about a girls tits and ass. I have seen two clips of Lana and I'm here to tell you that she blows everyone of the other girls out of the water. She has a great wholesome look, a nice body, and loves to be pleased and knows what she wants. Sure......she doesn't have the hangers that girls like Danaya or Irma have and thank goodness for that, but what she does have......at least in the two clips I've seen of her, is a damn good disposition and personality. How you could say that she is no raving beauty is beyond me!! You are another one of the Merry Men that only look at one thing, and that one thing says a lot about you. The poll he is trying to put together won't prove or show anything as far as positive results!
  10. You don't get it and you never will! But hey, thanks for not insulting me by your words this time, I appreciate that.
  11. I'm sorry but how my translator translates this, make no sense. Keep trying to choose your words better and maybe one day we can have a legitimate discussion. Thank You. As usual Snakeater, what I said went right over your head! I agreed and said so in my post that if they didn't want to be seen naked on camera that was OK. What is not OK in my opinion is purposely going to the bathroom (where at least 5 to 6 people can damn near get totally out of site and snort coke) down the hall to take a whores bath and no telling what else, and doing it off camera. Like I said in my post, RLC should have NO.....I repeat, NO hidden rooms or hiding spots because that is not what people are paying for. People are not paying to watch the contracted tenants or their guests hide out in rooms with huge blind spots or no cameras at all. If a guest like the guest of KK&H for example don't want to show anything on camera, they simply turn their backs to the camera to remove their under garments or to put their under garments on, or they put their under garments on under their clothes. I believe that is the way it should be and if you don't then so be it. People are paying to see the lives of these tenants and their guest, the word "SEE" being the opportune word here. They are not paying to see them hide!!! As for Gina, I'm not going to argue with you about her and many of the others that come back from being out for hours on end and then come home and spend many more hours just trying to get to sleep because they were so excited from just being away from the apartment and that drugs had nothing to do with it. Come on man, use your brain for once!! If you believe that RLC does not require the girls to be nude, then you are more out there than I thought. RLC wouldn't survive if that was the case, I'm sorry to tell you but they just wouldn't. LMAO.....as for the panty liners/pads/tampons, I said a long time ago that they use them not only when it's that time of the month but I guess you must of missed that post. I know all about what women do with them and it's sad that you are just now finding out yourself!! What kind of dancer was your EX? Nice pic but your words translate all wrong and I'm sorry I just don't understand what you are trying to say! It's not my mission, I was a member of RLC damned near since day 1 up until a few months ago, I know the things these girls do and their mannerism's, I know their little tricks they pull and all because I've seen them do it time and time again. You are one individual that thinks his shit don't stink and that you are always right with everything you post here. I have news for you happyone, you're not!! The problem I see with you and your little group of merry men & I'm sure a couple of ladies that hang out here as well, but what I'm fixing to say really only pertains to you and your little group of merry men, is that I believe that you and your group is so addicted to RLC that you will defend any negativity towards RLC or their girls in fear of it getting shutdown because none of you would know how to function without your addiction. I was hooked once but not to the point where I wouldn't tell it like I seen it or how it was. I kicked the habit and I'm glad I did. A person that is so into RLC like you are happyone, has NO life and I bet you put off doing things all the time because you sit there saying to yourself, I can't go do this or that because I believe that something is fixing to happen and the next thing you know a week has gone by and then two and then a month etc. etc.. You are no better than anyone else on this forum and that goes for your little groupie as well. Before you come back at me with a barrage of insults, just take some time and think about what I said and if you are honest with yourself you will see I'm right. I've read it time and time again on this forum that people put off doing things because they thought something was fixing to happen and they didn't want to miss it. Face it, they are hooked, a hook so deep it would take surgery just to remove it. The final thing I'm going to say tonight is this........if people don't like what I have to say, then why come to this thread in the first place. Leave it to those that want to discuss the good with the bad and go back to your little happy home of the Barca and KK&H threads where everything is a fairy tale....smoke and mirrors....forever secret chats and constant whispering, go back to that place and leave this thread for the people that you don't like. The people that you think have no brain, the people that you think don't know how to treat a lady, the people that you think are always negative, leave this thread for those kind of people because you obviously don't know shit about me or the kind of person I am or the kind of person that any of the others that may feel somewhat like me....are.
  12. C_TAY_2, I see that you are knew to the forum by the lack of posts you have. You don't know me from Adam and understand anything about me. When I was a member and there was something that I liked, I would say so. When there was something that I noticed, good or bad, I would say so. If I noticed the girls coming in from being out all night in the late hours of the morning and then going into the bathroom to blow all the excess coke out of their noses, I would say so. If people can't handle the truth about these darling little virgin princesses.......guess what, I'm going to say so! These girls are slutty girls, coke heads, pot heads, alcoholics, and an easy fucking lay it appears. The June 1st incident should prove that alone. What kind of girls are going to lay all over a girl that is partied out and sleeping just to have their fun when there was a perfectly good, unused big bed just down the hall? I'll tell you who, these drugged up sluts that's who. They don't give a damn for anything or anyone but themselves. I never was a fan of Nicole but I think she got treated very unfairly by the other girls just because she was out having fun and brought her fun home a few times. These girls are the type of girls that jealousy rears it's ugly head with. The use of pads/panty liners.......what a joke that is on the forum. Oh....so and so just put a pad on, I guess she is out of commission for a week. A lot of the time I think the girls do it, and do it in plain open site of the cameras to make sure all the viewers see it, just so they can't skate on by for another week and not have to do anything. Yes, there are times when that time of the month hits but not 3 weeks out of the month. Gina, who used to use the laundry room to roll her doobies now rolls them in the downstairs toilet, front entry way, or hunched over in the corner of her room. She then goes out the front door and sucks it down and returns 5 minutes later with the giggles, the munchies, and a big smile on her face. Do I have anything against her doing that, NO I don't (I myself smoke a little weed from time to time) but I'm not going to sit here and read the posts of idiots defending her just because they want to see her pussy for the 1,000th time. I'm going to tell it like I see it and if people don't like it, too freaking bad!! The night Nicole brought Marc home and had sex with him in the bathroom, should not be tolerated by anyone that pays to see it, yet the defenders of the RLC Universe will always come up with an excuse as to why it was done and why people that pay good money should tolerate it. This is just one example of hundreds that these guys keep defending on a regular basis. What bothers me the most is when someone on the forum that is not in their group posts anything, they immediately get attacked by these defenders of the RLC Universe and that is not right. People should be able to say what they feel about something without being attacked for it. The hiding is probably one of my biggest gripes with RLC and how they don't really handle it. The couple that stayed at T&W's the other day put up a screen of some sort that I read about. That is a total slap in the face for those of you that pay to see it. All this bullshit about someone being a guest and that someone doesn't have to show anything if they don't want to bullshit is total crap. I agree, if they don't want to show something that they shouldn't have to but at the same time don't make areas where they can go and hide just to not show something. In other words, there should be a camera in every room that is occupied by the tenants and if someone doesn't want to show something, then turn your back to the camera or put your bra on under your shirt or put your panties on under your skirt, but don't hide behind someone to bathe or behind a towel that someone is holding up or behind sheets because you want to get off with a vibrator. The hiding is the biggest slap in the face to the paying customers of RLC and yet it gets defended by the defenders of the RLC Universe time and time again. It's pathetic what these guys are willing to put up with just to act and appear the good guys on the forum. Rosie, now this girl is a class act. The kind of girl everyone wants to bring home to mom. She hasn't contributed a damn thing since she has been on RLC except for being one of the coke head party girls. Sleep all day, or most of it to go and entertain until late hours of the next morning. She is a waste of space on RLC and that's the way I see it. Her little masturbating episode that she did yesterday was quite funny and at the same time it was very eye opening as to what these girls do when not around the cameras. They all know what they sign up for, but continue to let down their audience. Something that RLC has let happen and apparently will never do anything about it. They will continue to support these working girls and their over abundance of time outside the apartments and that was something I chose to not participate in, but the defenders of the RLC Universe see absolutely nothing wrong with it and will crash down on others that feel differently. I'm not saying that they should be shackled to the apartment with a 30 foot chain around their ankles but they are there for the people who pay to watch them and it's kind of hard to watch them when they are outside the apartment more than they are in it!!! You can side with the ass kissers of the forum all you want, it won't hurt my feelings a bit. I'm going to tell it like I've seen it and if people want to act like children about it, then by all means.....go ahead. That's all I got for now and I'm going to bed.....have a good night!
  13. Well I just caught up and the one's that are always putting down other people have reared their ugly heads once again. I'm glad I could provide a place for you righteous one's to come and vent. Carry on........please carry on!! I haven't had this much fun and laughed so much as I have getting caught up on this thread. Euromike, Happyone, Snakeater, you guys rock!! I don't know what I would do without you all showing your true colors, please continue. Ed2, you don't have to take the bullshit that these guys are posting, I can take the bullshit for both of us. Don't get all caught up in their childish games. What they post on this thread speaks volumes about who they truly are. Save yourself now Ed2 before it's two late and don't ever let these guys put thoughts such as suicide in your head LOL. Now back to our regularly schedule bullshit posts..........carry on stooges!!
  14. I call it like I see it. If you don't like it that's your problem. I don't care if I'm the only one that you ever attack on this thread, I'll always be here whether anyone else is or not. I find your post to be very enlightening and funny.......sad, but funny!
  15. Good stuff euromike......keep it coming. That's the hardest I've laughed in the last 10 minutes ROFLMAO.........my hero!
  16. You really make me laugh and I can't wait to read the rest of your humorous posts!
  17. LOL, a man that has to stoop so low as to attack another mans family.....you are my hero euromike!! The only thing I have done on this forum was changed names and yet you keep trying to insist that I'm a liar. You also wish that I was dead.......what a piece of work you are euromike!! One day I will be gone because of my heart, but until then I will continue to say how I feel about RLC and the pathetic little group of yours that keeps making RLC out to be the best site there is. Try again with your words mikey.......you keep me laughing with your utter desperation everyday!!
  18. So, I read where they all came home without armbands on. I guess the high dollar parties that they attend don't require arm bands. Just imagine what you don't get to see with these whores.........please, just for one second out of your day, just imagine what they do for all the time they spend outside the apartment. Whatever it is......it must be good to get packages of clothes and bouquets of flowers. All of which you will never see because you put up with it!! Keep being silent and waiting for your next pussy shot, you are the ones that have brought the way they act, and the things you don't get to see.......to light! While I'm at it, happyone and several others need to lay off people that post about Gina being a drug head. Hell, it's not just Gina that is the drug head, they all do Coke and probably all smoke weed, it's just that Gina goes out of her way trying to hide it and that is what Balt is talking about, but yet......he gets slammed for it from cocksuckers like happyone, who in my opinion, needs a good, old fashioned ass whooping. Put happyone, euromike, vlk, and several others in a room......and kick the shit out of them. Maybe then, they will pull their heads out of their asses and quit being suck pricks on this forum!!
  19. So....I read where Gina and the other two ugly bitches made it home alright. What a waste to the RLC website! You have one girl, one whorish girl that shows her pussy like she has flies landing on it and then you have two other girls.....Polya & Rose who are the biggest waste of fucking time that I have ever heard of on this site. However, thanks to all you dumbass supporters, you will continue to get the same....lame shit you always do and I for one think it is hilarious!! Let's keep the girls that spend all their "fucking" time out of the apartments and put up with it every damn day. Keep talking nice to them and they will continue to disappoint you!!
  20. Laugh now motherfucker!! You are one of the biggest reasons this forum is deteriorating!
  21. LOL.....I'm a Taurus but if you want me to play stupid like the rest of these idiots on this forum.........it's not going to happen and whatever you may say will always be humor to me!!
  22. LOL if I have to tell you how this forum is getting ruined, then you must be one of them and if this forum makes you horny when you read it you need to get out more!! This forum only wants positive posts and no negative posts because they seem to think that it will make their viewing experience better. I was banned and didn't post anything until yesterday and all I did was observe the forum as I usually do and guess what........the same group of guys/girls keep posting the same suck ass comments and it hasn't bought them shit!! Like I said though, if this forum makes you horny.......please get out more!
  23. Don't be sorry for me, be sorry for the ones that are ruining your forum!
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