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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. No she is not. I actually know a young lady that has that problem who makes light of it by saying it's from having her head banged against the headboard too many times lol.
  2. I know that if you slowed down on how much adoration you had for your "Belle" it would sure make catching up a lot easier to do!! In the last several days there has been nothing going on from what I have read that hasn't already been done a dozen times. Some of you like to make more of things than there really is!!
  3. I can believe the hair implants theory. The last time I was a member of RLC which has been months ago, her hair looked to be thinning out to me.
  4. LOL let me just say that I am surprised your requests haven't been taken care of. The rest of what you said, anyone complaining to admin about anything is a waste of time and effort. If people have complaints about the girls not being home enough, they should take that up with RLC and not the admin!! I agree with those that think the girls are not home enough and I don't even subscribe any more and that is one of the reasons I quit dishing out my money. It would be one thing that when they were home there would be some entertainment value but all you get is shows that reek with.......oh, I guess we need to do something to earn our keep here!! Have a good one Cupid, I'm caught up and off to bed!!
  5. What a waste of reading for the last 20 pages of this thread. I get it that some of you saw one thing and some of you saw another thing but the fact remains that none of you know anything about why the police showed up and by RLC's latest admission, it was out of their control. Now, being who I am and always have been on this forum, I am one to believe that nothing is out of RLC's control. All the tenants know that RLC will see everything that goes down in these apartments and I'm sure they have made that aware to the participants. Something more went down that nobody.....not even euromike or Benfold or happone will ever know. The apartment is gone and frankly, speaking for myself, Vanessa should have never been brought back in the first place!!
  6. Look Cupid, I am not nor will I ever be one to sit back and read the rhetoric that comes out of the posters which spews positivity. I am a firm believer in the rule of don't lie to not hurt someone's feelings. These girls are in a business of critique, criticism, grandeur, and if they read this forum it is because someone showed them that it was here in the first place. They have to to take the good with the bad and if they can't handle it, it's time to change professions! I had been with RLC damn near since day one and CC about as long, I will praise them when I feel they need it and I will complain about them when they do something that I feel needs complaining about. I'm not going to sit here and fall into the trap with people like..........you know who I'm talking about, and pretend everything is a bed of Rosie's with these girls......no pun intended :). There are guests that message about the girls not being home enough??? Please explain what you meant by that comment!
  7. LOLOLOL if Rose wanted to dive into Jasmin's pussy, she would have done it already. Rosie does not and will not show you a damn thing while she is here! Is this what you honestly believe? My points exactly.....Rose is a scared little child!
  8. NOTHING......Rosie is too scared to show her true colors!! Rosie......all act, no action!! Rosie is another Kristy....will go out of her way to not show a good view of her pussy!!
  9. Nobody can argue with a post like this!!! Good job Ed2....you took the words right out of my mouth! For christ sake....either please show me proof of what they are or are not under contract for, or please refrain from this absurd comment!!
  10. I am a voyeur as well Cow and you are right about observing them. You have only two screens open....one with Gina and one with Rosie. I find that quite funny as well......you have Gina's open because you know she will show you the pussy, and you have Rosie's open hopefully she will show you a glimpse of her pussy. How funking funny is that!! If I was still a member, I would have open the windows of the girls.....like Rosie, that I would die to see a glimpse of their pussy. Not windows open of girls like Belle, Gina, Masha, and the others that continuously show their pussy. I was raised on earning respect, you can either agree or disagree....I don't give a rat's fat ass!! Explain this please....I must of missed reading about it!!
  11. LOL you come to RLC to see real life? If you want to see real life from these people, follow them around when they leave the apartments at all hours of the day.....that's when you will see real life!! Please ask admin or the mods when I whined and and bitched to them about anything RLC!! You have nothing to go on except to try and attack me with useless bullshit!!
  12. I might believe you about Heidi....but Kristy? No way...sorry Ed2. LOL....that's funny shit right there!! Please......show me ONE great pussy shot from Miss I Hide My Pussy Every Chance I Get!!! Kristy is not afraid of a dick. Kristy is afraid to show thousands of people her pussy. It has nothing to do with her being afraid of a dick. She has had more dick than the "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas"!!! Her breasts being touched, manipulating a guy to move around as she wishes, all are to make sure she doesn't show a damn thing!! I just don't know what to think when I read comments like this.
  13. Is that what you really believe?? Agree......it has been boredom for a long time. They bring in new meat to try and disguise the boredom factor! Kristy will go out of her way to not show a damn thing!! In an attempt to not show anything, Kristy always leaves her undies on. Leaving undies on is one of the main reasons for a condom to disappear!!
  14. No. 1.....I haven't logged in to RLC in over 4 months. No. 2 the comment about me watching gay porn is a desperate attempt by a feeble minded asshole to try and make a point about something....anything!!! Go back to your pathetic group of friends and rehash what they sent you hear to try and do. You and them are the reason RLC is in the shape it's in.......I used to think it was just RLC and their idiot management team but now I know that they just feed off of you imbeciles comments every fucking day!!
  15. Maybe you need more mods, and maybe you need different shifts, and maybe you need to look at how you are perceived from both sides of the fence. Just a suggestion!
  16. LMAO.......easy there Ipiratemedia, there are only a hand full of people on this forum that even knows what that means!! I do agree with you whole heartedly though!!!
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