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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  2. You make it hard when I'm trying to be more positive these days and even though I have not watched them but only read y'alls comments, I would think by my replies to them you would see I don't have blinders on! I myself have said that she is using him and it sounds like you are just confirming it. So she is leaving again already huh.....why did they even bring them back, if they are going to be gone all the damn time.......an On for two weeks/OFF for two weeks type couple!!!
  3. I've been thinking about lovely Rita, meter maid as I watched her downstairs this morning for about 5 minutes. She was wearing some kind of dress thingy that was pretty classy looking, but I've come to the conclusion that she is just not an RLC girl! She has been on RLC several times now and instead of getting better, she appears to be becoming more shy. She is a gorgeous girl with a rockin body, that you would think would be proud to show that body off! However, according to allot of the CC folks, she is turning away from cameras and being overly shy these days. I didn't think her and the "Queen" where that close!!
  4. I didn't see any ass, I was to busy trying to figure out what kind of turtle was poking it's head out!
  5. That is one of the best Bee Gee's videos I've seen lol. Julie Hagerty kind of has a resemblance to Elisa......look at some of the angles of her face....amazing!!
  6. I wish Creedence could stop the rain! I'm just cussing in the rain, just cusssssssing in the rain, what a horrible feeling and I'm not happy again, just cussing in the rain!!!
  7. She is my kind of woman!! She is the kind of woman that when you fall down, she will help you get back up!!!
  8. At least you are man enough to admit your weakness!! I almost resubscribed after an Elisa bate the other day but I didn't. If by a slight chance Kamila & Kristy get a little friendlier, I might just have to push the button!
  9. I got a sense of that in Barcelona but I haven't been watching her since penthouse K&K showed up. I just can't see her asking him to leave for no reason......very strange turn of events for sure and like I said, those of you that watch them might find out tomorrow why she did it!
  10. Do you really think she is that cold Thes? Maybe there is a really good reason for it that y'all might not see until tomorrow. I don't think she did it for no reason because that would be cold!
  11. I saw the picture you posted and she is tuff stuff! I bet that was an awesome shower to watch and it's too bad that we will probably never see any pics or vids of it!!!
  12. Now that's the friend that is "Bad Ass"!!! I wish I could have seen her taking a shower!!!
  13. Is there a dance to stop the rain? I'm sick of the rain and want to make it stop lol. Is there any true Indians on this forum that can help me???
  14. After they had sex she kicked him out? That is strange but I'm sure she had a good reason! As far as the real world comment lol.....I just like watching sexy sensual things and not any masculine huffy puffy things lol. Even when I was a member to RLC I bet I didn't watch any guy/girls sex acts more than a handful of times. As much as I like Nora, she and Adriana were about the only two I would ever watch. I didn't watch Nora that much because it was Kiko she was with and I personally didn't care for hime. It's just a matter of likes and dislikes Box......I like watching beautiful sex and men don't figure into that equation!!
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