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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I paid to watch RLC for years until it went way south like it is now. Back in the good old days RLC was fun to watch, but now it's damn sure not worth the money in my opinion. There used to not be hours of under maintenance as there is now and people hiding under the covers during sex. RLC has become a big joke and the joke is on the paying customer! I paid my dues to RLC and I don't consider myself a leach!!
  2. For those of you that don't know anything about the show "Alone", it is a survival show that will really test your mindset more than anything and of course your survival skills. The show is 10 people (chosen by interview/skills) that get dropped off on Northern Vancouver Island and could only bring 10 items off of a 50 item list. They could not bring any food or any water. The person that stays the longest wins $500,000. The second episode is tonight.....be there or be square lol.
  3. I'd bet my life savings that he has used it with her several times already since he's been here
  4. Well, I just read where Thes said that K&K's apartment is back online and he said "welcome home ladies", so I have to assume that they are home. I'm happy for all of you and hope that there can now be peace and happiness in this huge dysfunctional family once again!
  5. Damn you're good....stay away from this one here ladies and gentlemen :)
  6. This goes out to all the women on RLC....and any girls that might be listening LOL...
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