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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I dedicate this song to the best of both worlds....CC & RLC!
  2. I'm not a big Michael Jackson fan but I had to dedicate this song to KRISTY!!!
  3. This song is for those of you that like fat bottomed girls....
  4. I dedicate this song to CokeBoy!
  5. Good pick Mr. Squirrel.......I think you could actually dedicate it to all the RLC women! Well, maybe not all.....but most LOL.
  6. If there is one thing I learned when I started fooling around with girls, the kiss is very important and can either make or break an afternoon spent together!
  7. I knew I should have said something about all the meaningless pics that were posted during the time of K&K in Barca, and the same goes for the apartment now in Barca along with the new K&K apartment......please forgive me for that and you are absolutely right about it! I do notice the EXACT SAME PICTURES that are posted over and over and over and over, if I hadn't I wouldn't have chimed in about any of this. Please understand that I am sorry and post on.....I'll just quickly skim through them when they look the same to me, because as you said......what I find repetitious, someone else probably won't. Sorry I spoke up and I'm sorry I upset you. Keep doing what you're doing and you won't hear another word out of me!!
  8. BBsq, I like the pics you post but I have to agree with sereno on this, When I used to look at the threads of the people you mentioned, what turned me off about it was that there were so many pictures of basically the same damn thing. To me, I didn't need to see that personally and turned away from ever stopping and viewing them. When I discovered the "Mark as read" button, 98% of the time that is the button I use for all the apartments except for the Barcelona and K&K apartments. I'm not posting this to upset you or make you mad......it's just different strokes for different folks! I could draw pictures of Leora, Masha, and Nelly in my sleep due to there being so many pictures of them posted which are basically the same pictures day in and day out. Like I said, I hope that I haven't upset you or made you mad to the point that you won't post pictures anymore. I would just like to see something different in the pictures that are posted! Have a good night and take it easy on me.......it's just how I feel about it!!
  9. It is amazing to me that you people really have nothing to say about this apartment going under maintenance just because Kamila's mom and ? showed up. What makes this apartment or these two girls any more special, that it would cause you people to just sit there and not say anything or send an email to RLC about it? Carina's mom has visited several times and she is at least as old as Kami's mom and her boyfriend/whatever he is, but did the apartment go under maintenance when Carina's mom showed up.........no it didn't. So, I just want to know why you people sit back and let this kind of shit happen!! The whole preface of this site is "REAL LIFE".....or am I missing something here? Don't you people that say you are voyeurs want to watch Kamila's mom to see if the apple did or didn't fall far from the tree? Don't you want to see how Kamila's mom interacts with Kristy and how she interacts with her boyfriend/step husband? These are just simple questions of everyday life that you will never get to see, which in turn could explain why or why not Kamila is how she is. How was Kristy actually perceived by the mom and whoever the guy is? Did CB show up to meet the mother or didn't he? There are so many questions that you will always have because you just set back and took it like you normally do!! I'm telling you now that if you are going to come down on me and act like children, I will just read your post and move on!! My point is that this is one of the biggest reasons I quit subscribing to RLC......there is no real life about this website when they keep taking apartments down for "REAL LIFE" situations. You can agree or agree to disagree, but I just want you all to sit back and think about what I have said to see if it makes any sense to you. If it doesn't make any sense what so ever, then I feel like I'm way off base with you people and what RLC is supposed to be about! Anyway, I'm done.....have a good night!
  10. OK.....my medicine has kicked in and now I feel I might want to post about this apartment going under maintenance. If you don't want to read what I'm fixing to post, please just skip over it and move on!
  11. joejo.....I have one friend on CC and that's me lol. I'm tired of pissing people off on CC and what I was going to post would surely have done that and then I would be called names and talked about. I'm not ready for that right now, if I was feeling better then I might have posted it....but not now.
  12. I believe that I read in a translation where the lady is Kamila's mom and the man with her is her stepdad or the mothers boyfriend. I don't remember which.
  13. I'm not posting this to stir up a hornets nest......awe never mind, it's pointless anyway!!
  14. I am happy that you got to see something and I am happy for Kamila and CB as well. I am unhappy with myself that I wasn't a subscriber and that I missed getting to see it! Oh well, it's like when you've seen one couple having sex.....you've seen them all. Once again, I'm happy for all involved!! Kamila took a GIANT step and by the pictures that I have seen posted of their night, she looked content and happy!! It's nice to see her happy!!!
  15. I really like Vika and believe she will make someone a good wife someday! She is tidy and not afraid to get in there and get her hands dirty to help keep the place clean. Way to go Vika, keep up the good work!!
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