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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. it seems that everybody needs to get away from their computers and put some nice clothes on and give their asses a break lol. i mean i don't think i've ever seen anything like this, the obsession over these girls is incredible. go take your wife out for a night on the town or girlfriend or if you are single go meet some new people. i'm sure there will be parties all over the place around each and everyone of you. stretch your legs and laissez les bons temps rouler (let the good times roll).
  2. not to ruffle any feathers here but fishy is absolutely right. these girls have a hook all the way through the corner of you all's mouths. anyway happy new year to you all and i'll be headed out to party with all my people in about 7 hours. don't drink and drive, don't get drunk, and stay safe. happy new year everybody!
  3. i would love to help you and congratulations on becoming a great uncle. can you give me more to work with? i'm an old school kind of guy and don't see what they like in their music. congrats eaglewolf01!
  4. lol nothing wrong with the glides at all. i just like my fatty.
  5. smart man from what i've seen so far. cameras always bring out the blemishes.
  6. it's probably the power supply, everybody seems to overlook the most critical part of the system.
  7. yes sir i love my fatboy and wouldn't trade it for anything and i've traded a lot of stuff in my time lol.
  8. i'm new to camcaps and real life cam as well but i can see with the infatuation of members here at camcaps with these girls that this real life cam has done well in their marketing strategies. these girls are simply here to bring in business wether they do anything or not and from the looks of it, it is more to the not side than anything else and it appears that way with previous inhabitants as well from what i've read.
  9. thank you for the welcomes everybody
  10. i think i will stick around for a day just to see how abnormal you people are
  11. i just want to know how you know there is no locks? have you been to these dwellings?
  12. yes i am a newbie as you said and i would appreciate you showing me some respect. i didn't say any harsh words to you and i don't expect them in return. i could care less about the limelight as you called it but apparently after seeing all the stuff you have been posting i can't say the same for you. if you have your own recordings then you are desperate for material.
  13. i'm sorry to say but you are either easy or desperate for anything.
  14. i may be overstepping my bounds because i'm new to camcaps and real life cam but are you saying there is no action in this apartment? is it just a bunch of teasing? i've been doing a lot of reading and was hoping i found something unique but if its just a bunch of dancing and teasing it's not for me. i like this forum but real life cam is not what i thought it was going to be. thank you for the heads up.
  15. looks like some pretty crazy stuff is posted in this forum. it will take me a while to try and somewhat catch up and make any sense of all of it. if that is even possible
  16. what a shame when there is so much great music out there.
  17. i know i'm knew here and i've taken the time to read a bunch of different posts by all of you and i was just wondering if they always play the same 3 or 4 songs over and over again.
  18. lol i see that, thank you very much.
  19. Hello CamCaps members I am brand new here and just wanted to say hi to everybody.
  20. Welp, they're all gone and don't look like they will be back anytime soon so I'm going to pack my hunting stuff and head out. If any of you feel so inclined to record anything that happens so I can see it when I get back, that would be greatly appreciated!! I'll have my cell to check in with CC from time to time, plus it's a good time killer while on the stand LOL. I hope and wish you all a prosperous & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
  21. I haven't seen her downstairs in a while, she could be!
  22. You know, if Irma was a foot taller she would be purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect for me!
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