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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Hey mr1010, I've been pretty sick the past few days and just hadn't felt like getting in to quarrels with anybody lol. How have you been mr1010? I always enjoy your posts, some longer than I like but I totally understand how sometimes it takes allot to say what you want so that everybody will understand. I need you to PM me when you get a chance because I need to talk to you about VV. Hit me up when you get a chance please. I'm really sad that my RLC spy "See" didn't respond to me. I thought he would read me the riot act and I got nothing LOL. "See" I'm looking forward to you answering me, I'm trying to change my ways and to give you an example, this morning when I woke up I was a lite shade of green and now I'm a dark shade of blue. However, I always look forward to your posts and contemplating them! Where are you "See" ?
  2. Hey See, look dude I know you're an RLC spy so spill the beans and tell us what's going on. So Irma is leaving August 1st of this year, saawwweeettttt! I really like the shit out of her and the more she laughs the more I likey! So it's good to see that she will be here for quite some time!! It would be nice to see all the girls stay for several more months, providing there is NO more nights downstairs that were like tonight! I am not complaining, just stating the obvious lol. Thanks for the info See! PS How many girls took showers tonight? I have to run a few errands and I can't wait to get back and read your reply!!
  3. Thank you for clearing that up. Are you referring to Ilona or Irma?
  4. I can say one thing about Layla, she doesn't live on her cell phone like the rest of them!
  5. LMAO you are a much better picture poster than a commentator :) I don't get to see her but my guess is that as many pictures that have been posted of her always looking at the cameras, that the problem isn't Ilona but the cameras. I could be wrong and thought I was once, but I was wrong then LOL.
  6. WOW and I thought I was tough on RLC and these girls LOL.
  7. Let me guess, she's under the covers! I feel pretty confident that if she hasn't shown anything up till now, she will never show anything!
  8. mr1010 you are correct, I guess that is what I should have said lol. You know what CC needs to do, they need to hire a translator for us so we can keep up with these girls conversations lol.
  9. What the heck are they doing? They are watching some program and writing stuff down, women, can't live with them and you can't shoot them lol.
  10. i thought i had found a really good forum but i guess i was wrong. good luck to all of you lol.
  11. i guess you can answer that for yourself lol, when the cameras came back on all 4 of the girls were sitting on the sofa with their fingers stuck up their asses with the deer in the headlights look. so you tell me, do they know?
  12. what do you think? of course they know it lmao. you people have been on this site way to long!
  13. how did they catch her?
  14. why don't you take the time to read some of the posts and find the answer for yourself!
  15. i thought the doors didn't have locks? i guess it is selective whether the doors have locks or not lmao.
  16. the deal for me is that during the maintenance there was something going on and i'm not paying for hours that are under maintenance when the girls are dong something and i don't get to see it. you all can go along with it but i'm not and i feel that the most of you go along with it to justify what you spend every month on this crap. just how i feel, it's you all's defense mechanism!
  17. all i can tell you is what i witnessed last night. when they got back from where ever it was they went, she was very excited because she had met some girl. she took pictures with her and it really got to her. this whole thing that went on today was the straw that broke the camels back for me. i've read a boat load of posts in most of the forums and now after what i witnessed with this outage, i'm done! i've already told them not to renew my subscription, plus there are allot of real life cam spies in this forum and i'm not going to argue with any of them or pretend to agree with them. this site is a joke beyond belief and i'm not a big enough voyeur to hold any interest.
  18. sorry bro, but it's not normal in this situation!
  19. i've followed allot of your posts, but after this i'm wondering if i haven't been following the wrong posts.
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