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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. i'm sorry but there is nothing exciting about a girl laying in bed under the covers with her mouth open and for all we know, pretending to masturbate.
  2. questions questions just let me know what your research comes up with.
  3. quit while you're ahead, it's very obvious that there are people on this forum that are pro real life cam if not working for real life cam.
  4. i guess all 4 girls showering after the maintenance outage is also normal? i will not be spending anymore money on this place!
  5. the under maintenance posts that i read say this and that and that some of you believe they are needed for server issues and system maintenance and i agree that some of that is needed. i'm just saying that from what i observed after the cameras came back, there was allot more going on than what you think and as a paying member i don't feel that it's right!
  6. well obviously something happened during the maintenance outage. the new set of candles that irma placed on ilonas dresser were used during the outage. it makes sense because it doesn't take as long as they were under maintenance to carry a couple of suitcases upstairs and change the apartment name and room names.
  7. i guess it's the suspense that they want to create but i don't see the reasoning myself.
  8. could i be a fly on your wall? i bet that would be an awesome sight!
  9. i was sent a message explaining. thanks for your help!
  10. oh well frankcos, i reviewed what i could find and didn't see anything that would prevent you sending me a message. thanks for trying!
  11. let me go find out where the settings are and i'll see if it is on my end.
  12. that's strange i just received a message from someone else with no problem. i haven't done anything to keep anybody from messaging me.
  13. she does have a certain quality about her, minus her hairdo. dreads are not my thing at all. now if we could just get masha to forget to take her toy out of the bathroom and let the dreadlocks girl go in there and see it, now that would be something wonderful to see!
  14. reread this please ilona left first, then the other two left.
  15. from what i've read suzan & hector are another couple that RLC screwed the pooch with. sounds like they need to leave the project which got me to thinking just how much these people must get paid!
  16. i don't talk politics but what you say is so sad! thats all we need is another democratic president. please don't respond because i'm not going to get into it with you over politics. it is my opinion and take it at that please.
  17. thats not being mean, thats being honest. if i was in that apartment and that guy fell asleep, when he woke up the next morning he would be bald headed!
  18. do you really think that any of the girls that grace the doorstep of this apartment would do anything else? if you think about it, models are the only type of girl that will draw the kind of interest that RLC is looking for, plus they have the time to do it. college girls could do it when they are on break but that's about it because if they were in school they would have to be studying all the time and then people would complain that they are studying all the time! models are the only girls that this job fits.
  19. i think things would have been totally different had they have stayed home tonight. i really believe that ilona and anna would have gotten together tonight had anna not been tired and went straight to bed. ilona met a girl while she was out tonight and took photos with her and was all excited about her. maybe she will come to the apartment one day. what really sucks is that probably about the time irma comes off her period, one if not both the other girls might start theirs. i'm glad i only signed up for one month of this drama lol.
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