nastya fucked without cover all the week-end in tula with the other guy and now she hiding with alex i understand nothing (probably alex fault) i hope they gonna left for see new peoples here,they act like for protest to something like gerda/kent did during some weeks,something happened in backstage for they change comportment like this
no way i will accept the return of my girlfriend after she have fucked all the week-end with another guy,i have the sentiment nastya is a little bit manipulative
may be these assholes have bann you because of your pics here(it's working for me),all is possible with VV,they have menace me 2 or 3 times already to bann me
i know this support is bad,last time i have tried contact them i have receveid one answer for ask me send a screencap and what browser i use and nothing news after that
because there is permanent activity graphic while there is nobody in the room,exept click every 10 minutes for find the hot action i don't see other solution.add a preview thumbnail when you put the mouse on the graphic can help alot for see if the tenants are in the room or not and not waste time to search on this actual timeline