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Everything posted by Freddie57

  1. What's to learn. The guy is as slow as molasses in January.
  2. He should try modifying his brain instead.
  3. He lives there so I can't see him going elsewhere.
  4. Wolf likely told him B4 were easy lays, but he's finding out different. Even Massi has been getting rebuffed from the Villa lately so he has to go out and pay to get laid.
  5. Returning them to the agency before the Madam sends a search party for them.
  6. I'll pass. After Paul had his vermin in there one never knows what's going to come out of her channel.
  7. Just imagine if she ever had a kid with Paul what it would look like. It would have the face only a mother could love.
  8. Then after eating he'll be ready for sleep with all that chomping food and slurping tea it will tire him out.
  9. They're mama's dropped them on their head at birth.
  10. Considering how Harley likes her alcohol, I would surmise it would be caused from drinking.
  11. He was likely out dicking some other girl within those 4 days. The name Carlo's should say it all.
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