Yair the French Neighbours. She could be having anxiety attacks about Europe's Bed Bug Plague! I know if I lived anywhere in Europe I would be worried!
If I was a pregnant Lesbian in Russia ATM I would be worried about the future too. With the Rouble in freefall any savings they had would be worthless. We can only wish them Bonne chance.
Leora topless, such a turn on. I really like this. She has the best I have ever seen. I wish we could see more of Leora dressed like this. PLEASE. I can't stop watching her, to do my work. What a woman so beautiful. P.S. I have been watching for years this is so good. No I am not a tit man she just looks so good tonight
It's would be super horny if Leora learned to do a BIG squirt as she comes. She comes super hard every time but maybe she is too shy/clean to squirt. perhaps she could practice in the bathtub where everything is easy yo wash away. Or don't "nice" women do that sort of thing?
Wouldn't it be nice if Leora spent most of her time at home either topless or nude. Her breasts are to die for and to see them out in the open air more often would be a joy.
I do wish Linda would spend more time around the house totally naked. She looks beautiful nude! It would make all those hours with the phone worth paying for. All those who agree post here.
Russia was caused by the Russian Mafia moving in. The recent problems are to do with COVID19 and lockdowns. If only the incels on here would be more forthcoming with their money and pay for a subscription we could have more girls. Remember many borders are closed!