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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. Are these two leaving the project due to baby on the way.
  2. Is Alice a bit agrophobic she seems to sleep a lot and is always indoors.
  3. Hi Mira this is just a request... can you shave your furry bit off please... keep smiling and we love you. xxx
  4. New guest girl needs a name... What shall we call her Edda (if you are reading this forum)... Edda is getting to match and surpass Masha and Leora for erotic sessions... I work three 12 hour nights a week and missed this one. Damn it... Now this is the job I want.. Sleep, Eat and Fuck your brains out. I wish...
  5. Thank you Edda and Nora simply so erotic xxxxx
  6. Its going to be a long ol night... somebody record the juicy bits if there is any... thanks
  7. Get on with it you will rub their skin off - Serena will be ok I feel in my scrotum.
  8. O dear... the older chap he must be well off or has a 10 inch winky.. to keep her amused
  9. I am guessing there will be no action... just a gut feeling... lovely lady though.
  10. Or are we deranged... we keep looking... it is the male nature.
  11. Phil laying face down down on the sofa (watching some free jumping program) and Katie climbed on top and just rubbed his legs. He jumped up and blew his top.. I think he just wanted to be left alone. What with two gorgeous ladies in sexy undies wanting to have a good time.. and possibly a bit more besides. JUST TO CLARIFY I did not say that Phil should be replaced.
  12. Bit of a let down what with Phil blowing his cool with Katie... she deserves better... need more girl on girl scenarios though.. Lena has a gorgeous body.. actually they both have.
  13. Lovely to see matures having fun.. nice pussy by the way...
  14. I really hope this does not turn into another kami and kristy scenario... lovely ladies though.
  15. Certainly turn me on ... go girls...
  16. It is Dorothy from The Yellow Brick Road... having a good munchking, ha, ha,
  17. Reminds of Kami and Kristy on RLC Apartment lots of pretend bate etc...
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