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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. That is a good cock tease if ever I have seen one.
  2. Got banned on RLC... but I do not miss it as it has become so Ground Hog Day.. it needs a good shake up it is stale. Now on V-H TV which has surprising events.
  3. An interesting fact: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/12/17/guns-are-now-killing-as-many-people-as-cars-in-the-u-s/?utm_term=.b136b60ce1f6
  4. Now the NKR have stated that they will shoot down any American bomber even if it is in international air space... what a bunch of megalomanics... https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/megalomaniac The day of reckoning will come...
  5. Not being an American, I think the NFL gentlemen kneeling while your countries anthem was being played shows disrespect... what they should have done instead was to hold a notice up saying love my country hate Trump and sang the anthem with pride. Politics should be kept out of sport... period.
  6. I also have been through this cheating bitch syndrome... it cost me an arm and a leg in a divorce settlement... but I did get two wonderful children out of it. As for Stepan I feel sorry for the poor chap in some way, looking at him in bed his facial expression tells a sorry saga. Been there done that (fucking horrible, there will be light at the end of the tunnel though.
  7. Eva made me laugh as it did Leora.. the beasty was trying to jump up onto the chair ... forwards.. stop.. reverse.... at least 6 times...
  8. Well I got that Paul would be at home today all wrong. The guy went to bed at 2 am, how the hell does he manage to stay awake at work.
  9. Hi Chaps - looks like Paul is staying at home tomorrow, 2 a.m. their time..
  10. Well Trumpy has stated at the UN Council meeting - we will destroy North Korea etc, etc. _ How surely not with nukes as the radiation fall out would affect South Korea, China, Japan.
  11. That is why this site is called Real Life get it! at least it has given us something to talk about.
  12. Damm-it gone through another box of tissues... for the 14/09/2017 show.... lovely undies. Thanks Leora.xxx
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