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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. Good evening Pulo I see Leora was not out for long today.
  2. Evening all There is something missing were Leora is.. O yes MALIA. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. What a strange thing to have printed on the back of your jacket Katie ... LEAVE ME ALONE
  4. He reminds of something you accidentally tread in you think you have cleaned it all off but the smell keeps returning.
  5. Let us see what she is going through shall we ... would you like to swap with her family in the Ukraine.
  6. I worked in a care home as maintenance manager and I would have loved to taken Max Ragnar around with me when I had to put notices on the top of the door frames stating this person had Covid-19. Thankfully I was not allowed to go in the rooms and out of the 20 residents 16 of them died. You get to know these people it could be your mum, dad, brother, sister or a relative.
  7. COVID Live - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer WWW.WORLDOMETERS.INFO Live statistics and coronavirus news tracking the number of confirmed cases, recovered patients, tests, and death toll due to the COVID-19... Delta+variant - Google Search WWW.GOOGLE.COM
  8. All I can say Patou is what a strange day this has been !
  9. Is that why you are on here having a real life. ๐Ÿ˜…
  10. Nothing wrong with the question but it can still be a form of Covid with varying mild symptoms which feels like a cold. I try not to troll through hundreds of pages as a lot of the them are not worth commenting on. Anyway I do not think she is that ill any so in the end of the day we are wasting our time. ๐Ÿ˜
  11. Before logging on the fuzzy image I saw I thought it was Malia. Must the the smell of essence of Denise ๐Ÿ˜…
  12. Not much of a cold I may add although I did put a fucking question mark for Covid as there is a mild form with flue like symptoms for your information.
  13. Big ol sigh, sigh, sigh early to bed late to rise she must be tired could be showing her age. Good night Pulo.
  14. She is probably a Rose ๐ŸŒน that looks lovely and smells lovely but watch out for the thorns on the stems as they can prick you or make a prick ๐ŸŒต out of you.๐Ÿคฃ
  15. Nothing to see here part 2... โ›”๐Ÿ”™๐Ÿ”œ๐Ÿค”
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