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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. Same thing in mind.. spot on as a few others feel the same way.
  2. Wrong it was the Gruffalo in a mad sexual frenzy who was heavy handed πŸ˜±πŸ™€πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š
  3. No change spartie probably she will stay away tonight hence the bate last night... I will let you know if a miracle or magic happens.πŸ‘Œ
  4. Something private ? πŸ“ž off too the wee room hope she remembers to wipe with toilet paper and not her phone. She sure has got some washing to do. 😁
  5. If the spare bed gets made up ? as for the visa saga those will all be wavered as she possibly will be a refugee although Russian but married to a Ukrainian.
  6. She checks her phone every 5 minutes = 12 times an hour possibly more πŸ™„
  7. I see the Russian Nazis held a Nurenburg style rally in Moscow today I bet if Putin told the shit head followers your shit does not smell they would believe the fucker.
  8. Leora turn your dam phone off and sleep properly it must have been a tiring night. πŸ˜‰
  9. What if shit head Putin attacks other former communist countries then moving to Georgia for instance would not be a smart move. Just a what if scenario.
  10. I am having a very exciting evening as I am trying to count all the floating leafs in B4's swimming pool as they just float around and around clockwise.
  11. We will soon see if it is food ... otherwise it could be a large sausage waiting for her downstairs.😁
  12. Worzel Gummidge (Daniel) is in B6 I wonder if he will be seeing Aunt Sally (Olivia) again this weekend.
  13. One of the dangers of living alone is when you are ill or have an accident.
  14. Marlene and Karol look like they are going out. WRONG just a shirt night in.
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