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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. I bet your mother told you when you were young never eat yellow snow.
  2. When and if Putin dies (please) and all his cronies jailed or shot and a true democracy returns then you can call it Russia again.
  3. They will not be going back for a long time... even the Russian citizens will be leaving were they go who knows.. It should not ever be called Russia again. I see B5 are in B2 young Russians and Ukrainians together all aghast at what is going on.
  4. Leora needs a proper tray under her lemon tree pot.
  5. I thought facebook, instagram, tweeter were blocked by the Nazi Putin regime but skype ok.
  6. Cleaning or expecting some body or out on Monday 😁
  7. I guess they made it to Poland. Malia's husband not drafted to fight the invaders - I suppose if they move on they could go to what was familiar Czech Republic ?
  8. Yes and probably Paul saying I tried calling you 3 times last night where were you ? 🙂 and she has just found out that top cam is not her.
  9. Could have been with one of her friends 🤫 🤔
  10. Just like to add why upload videos by a CC member and get thanked for it and then seem to put a down grade attitude to the subject matter ... double standards ?
  11. I have blocked certain elements as I cannot be asked or waste time on a certain subject matter.
  12. She will move on when the time is right as you can imagine being a Russian in some peoples eyes is not a good nationality to be and she will not be going back to that awful dictatorship which was once called Russia which is now North Korea Mark II. Russians are now leaving their home land to find a better life.
  13. BS Howard we do care about Leora and Malia. Leora makes her own choices you and I cannot change that so why go on and on about it. There are much bigger things going on on the world at the moment.
  14. I find it strange that Leora had a bath and bate and then went out with food to feed the dogs or homeless ... why not the other way round like go out then bath and bate and why so late at night ?
  15. Woke my arse and so it is her choice of living in the end of the day is what you are getting at.
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