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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. Like today 🙂 ... nothing to see here move on ... why is it no. 1 on cams 😴
  2. Was it him who phoned last night as Leora was all gigerly and laughing.
  3. Notice how the hot water brings the veins up in her breasts.
  4. Really need to put another O ring on the bath plug Leora easy to do.
  5. I wonder if the cleaning is because there could be a visitor arriving at some point ?
  6. Colorado elections clerk indicted in voting system breach WWW.MSN.COM A grand jury in Colorado has indicted a county election clerk who sowed doubt about the 2020 presidential election
  7. Full volume and all I could hear was the freaking TV from any room any way you must have a hidden microphone planted in the toilet.😆
  8. I thought she was out with the local fire brigade tonight while sitting in their engine polishing their helmets, looking after their pumps and holding their hoses. Why does somebody keep looking at her empty apartment JUST IN CASE ! 😄
  9. China is also very concerned about nuclear threats by Putin to the west.
  10. To the vile creature known as Putin you have daughters take a look at this little girl it made me choke up. https://youtu.be/P_zHOBaWfrg
  11. I think you will find that are no money transfers to Russia at all.
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