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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. Watching a documentary on Nalvany poor man. I see Leora has her ass out shorts on I hope she puts something hot on tonight. Zena looks a bit bored.
  2. I wonder what or who the love balloons are for us or Zena.
  3. Hi SG welcome back Malia is still in the Ukraine I take it. Is it Zena who will go by 12 ?
  4. Morning every one now we know where Leora spent the weekend good for her. Zena will possible stay another night according to Gag-Her intel. I am waiting for the time when Leora gets the proseco or jack daniels into each other. Zena may have work tomorrow.
  5. Looking for films in Russian.. I do not suppose many blockbusters are dubbed in Russian or have subtitles. There has been an update for the crappy LG web browser.
  6. Leora has become granny Leora 😄 looks like an early night for them.
  7. Not very likely have to wait for a couple of months probably.
  8. You are right about the economy highlighted in bold she has been on economy drive since Malia left. I was right about Zena being here tonight.
  9. That picture of her returning she does not seem happy to be back.
  10. Lights out and back tomorrow or return with Zena ? Nice bunch of Tulips strange place to keep them though unless they are a surprise for somebody.
  11. When the Russian RLC cams were shut down Leora was offered the Czech apartment. I think Paul stayed because of his business and the so called dog rescue place Leora has and their personal dog Eva. Or Paul was not offered the move ? Some other guys on here may more input.
  12. Mashas cats drinks out of the bath poor things they need water as well.
  13. Been away were are the dirty clothes or make up/washing bag etc. Has she got the same clothes on when left as she as on the return.
  14. At least we know now Paul & Yappy have not come. Valentines day and flowers from an admirer or for a lover 😉🥰
  15. Probably not who knows I liken this to a soap series it is good to discuss and speculate what is or has happened any way to have a private life you need to get off cam for good. What is the point of RLC or this forum. Each to their own.
  16. Possible worrying times ahead if they gone to meet Paul and Yappy to bring back to apartment. If severe sanctions are implemented by the West on Russia if they do the unthinkable there will be no flights in or out of Russia for a long time that could mean an inforced stay for Paul unless he gets deported of course along with Leora and other Russians who knows what will happen.
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