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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. Not eating phew. Bath for Zena ! Waiting for this site to get inundated.
  2. Only for a bit then it closes you out.. you have to be a member.
  3. Zena looks in deep thought they will not really discuss personal matters in front of the cams I would not think.
  4. Looking for something on the phone.. she is showing more leg than usual.
  5. Why is there not a bed in there in the first place.
  6. Leora seems happier - perhaps Zena has changed her mind.
  7. A change of plans again weird or a game being played.
  8. I wonder how many more suckers got to sign up with RLC thinking or guessing and in the end got it totally wrong how this would play out. She must have put a lot of trust in Zena to tell her about the cams in the apartment and just to say will Zena tell any of her mates about her experience at some point. I do not see her having an affair with Zena on a just a turn up and then clear off scenario. So what is install for Leora for the next two years and what is she trying to achieve apart from staying in the West. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely a rather deflated blue.
  9. Correct I remember her putting the security uniform on and the job did not last long though.
  10. I think you could be right Jimbo. O well back to hum drum normal I suppose.
  11. I was out just caught up.. well, well.. question did Zena take any of her stuff with her i.e. laptop, clothes.
  12. Zena must be off work for a few days. I am not sure how things will turn out say 3 months or so in the future. Zena needs to keep the apartment tidy as Leora likes it neat and clean.
  13. I think they are going to be stuffed with all that food.
  14. Did Leora change her clothes I bet she needs a shower.
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