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blue is the colour

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Everything posted by blue is the colour

  1. I did say a while back Zena was in her mid-twenties not sure which is the correct age guess at 26.
  2. Will she show up tonight or stay away till tomorrow the bets are on and as for Zena probably might be back on Thursday or Friday hopefully.
  3. I am wondering if Zena works at a care home or something like that due to her work hours and days of work.
  4. Probably after the 3rd world war slightly radiated, air and water poisonus, can't breath the air, billions dead but apart from that not sure what date.
  5. NO NO NO. They do not want Ukraine to be closer and join the European Union and Democracy and NATO. FREEDOM and FREEDOM OF CHOICE Freedom and Democracy to the Russian People and Belarusian People NO MORE ON THIS SUBJECT thank you
  6. I see the Russian social media site Vichatter is down probably due to loony Putin's attack orders being carried out.
  7. It is easy to set up and you can use three conection methods. I wonder what we will see on TV.
  8. Do not know why Leora is sitting where she is to watch the TV she can't see it properly but nice all the same.
  9. Looks nice to me. O no Leora were is your phone I see it in front of you Phew!
  10. She is from Siberia.. BRrrrrrrrrr The thermostat looks like it is on 24C
  11. I think this is the 4th visit is she going to stay. The x-box needs setting up.
  12. Yes jimbo I mentioned just friendship several times !
  13. Yes it is ground hog day but what has she got planned with Zena if anything wait a bit longer I suppose.
  14. I am thinking she has nothing to do with LB what so ever. There you go Brokk! bate night looks like it is on.
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