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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Me too, but I can get away with 4 or 5 hours sleep. 3AM Barca time is when I tend to call it a day
  2. I really do hope they put on a show for us tonight. Let them finish whatever they're watching and we'll take it from there. Nothing happens until after midnight anyway, it's not like these girls have to get up early for work
  3. Yes and I think they will put on a good show for us at some point, but looking at them now there is nothing to suggest they want to start dancing around naked but are being hindered. When they want to do so, I hope they do have the opportunity, of course
  4. I want Michelle and Belle to get it on just as much as anyone, but saying that it's because of her that Sia and Michelle pulled out the puzzle? Don't be ridiculous man
  5. Belle and Michelle have given no indication that they want to dance or put on a show, except for putting on those silly ears. All 4 girls are doing the exact same thing, but somehow it's Jas who is stopping the party? Now if they put on some music or something and Jas stops the show it's a different matter, but so far they're just 4 girls sitting and half-watching a movie whilst gossping about things on their phones
  6. I'm sure that if Jasmin goes to bed, and nothing happens tonight even then, that people on here will STILL find a way to blame her
  7. She looks sexy doing the puzzle though. Although, she would look sexy painting a wall wearing a boiler suit
  8. It's not a big deal, but everyone keeps saying vodka - it was definitely tequila. They were doing lemon and salt and said 'Tequila' many times
  9. I wouldn't say boring, it was Becca who tried to get Belle up and dancing most of the time when nothing else was happening, and from what I saw Becca tried to take it further but Belle said no. I know people have an issue with her camming but that was during daylight hours when nothing happens anyway
  10. That doesn't hurt, obviously But dude, I really do like her. I can't explain why any further than I have already done. Maybe that's my problem, but that's just the way it is
  11. Well she's spending her first day and night in Barca 2 and seems to be friends with Belle so I imagine we'll see more of her here than in B1 And like I said, I do think that slamming the door was a dick move, but I just don't care. Maybe it's because I like a strong-willed woman, more of a challenge
  12. Imagine that when Jasmin was invited to RLC, she was told that she would be living in a house with other girls, and cameras everywhere. She should try to act naturally although there would be bonuses for putting on a show. What she might not have been told was that all the viewers expect to see the girls playing lesbian games and dancing naked to all hours of the morning! Jasmin hasn't changed one bit since her first day, this is just her natural personality, and she sees no reason to change it. And as I've said before, I like that about her, it indicates strength of character. I'm pretty sure that Michelle has been brought in and told that her job is to bring sex and excitement. If there are girls in the house who have different mandates then there are bound to be clashes
  13. Exactly, whatever caused Belle to stop it was not Jasmin, it was the booze or the guy she was trying to call
  14. Whoa I did not expect this, I thought she'd be right up your street! Usually when a girl comes it takes me a day or two to adjust to her face and really tell if they are attractive or not, but in my opinion Michelle is a stunner right off the bat
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