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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. She didn't cramp Belle's style at all. I agree she was out of order when she came out of her room, but Belle's problem was the guy on the phone, nothing to do with Jas
  2. Belle to the toilet. I'm thinking a piss, shit and a puke. She's locked the door too so if she passes out she's stuck there for the night
  3. Well even if this is the end, it has been a fun night and I think we all agree that Michelle is going to be a great success!
  4. Belle was looking at pictures of a guy on her phone, older than her, she seems a little distracted by it
  5. We won't see eye-to-eye about this, because i just fundamentally disagree with the part in bold above. I get plenty of entertainment just by watching her, she's so out-of-this-world hot that I find every glimpse of flesh a joy, every smile or dance a pleasure, and when she applies that lotion? Mate, to me Jas applying lotion is as exciting as another girl breaking out a dildo. I would also say that the girls are not there to give us a 'deep insight' into who they are, in fact the opposite. They're eye candy, and it's only through watching them that we learn their mannerisms and personalities. And even that is open to interpretation - there are still some people who think Danaya went insane, when most of us just think she was bored, and some who think Adele was a bitch, although I think she was lovely. If they wanted to show us who they really are they wouldn't use fake names, or shut down their social media, or stay such a mystery! Take Irma, she's my favourite girl and many other's, and anyone would say that she was absolutely open when on RLC, but she's probably the girl I know least about who she really is, outside RLC. And that's because she doesn't want us to know who she is. Writing this post has made me late for work so I'll stop there, have a good day all
  6. For sure, but not every girl has the same personality. Jasmin seems a naturally more reserved person, and she hasn't altered her personality for being on RLC. And I like and respect that about her. Imagine if we had an endless run of girls like Belle. It would be great at first but soon people would complain that there wasn't enough variety. It takes all types And you can bet that those other girls earned a whole lot more than Jas is earning, so I don't think the argument that people complain that they are 'paying their wages' holds water (I know you weren't making this argument.) If she earns €500 a month, which is nothing by the way, then each of us is paying a tiny fraction of a cent to her and a whole lot to RLC. People can bitch and moan about them all they want, but I take issue with people insulting Jasmin because she's not living up to their expectations
  7. She didn't complain that it was happening, and it didn't seem to upset her, she just expressed surprise. If it had really upset her, like Carolina was upset when she found out about videos posted on VK, then she would leave.
  8. She wasn't bitching, read it again. She finds it weird, and it is! Imagine you were in a house with cameras and found out that people were listening to you, writing down your conversations and then sharing them with thousands of other people! I love that Kitek and Yury take the time to help us out, but if you didn't know about it you would certainly be shocked and surprised when you found out
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