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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. We used to have "OMG They're Masturbating / Having Sex" threads which were just for that, to alert everyone, but when we had tenants who didn't do either they died off and were removed
  2. Maybe @kitek can clarify, but that's not how I read it. I understood it that Milena was talking about matters outside the apartment, and her frustrations had nothing to do with any of the girls in the apartment.
  3. In Barca 1, Redhead is Lima. Blonde is Milena. Short Brunette is Belle (currently in Barca 2} In Barca 2 black chick is Stella, older blonde is Lola, younger dirty blonde is Carolina
  4. A lot of people have posted their opinions today, some very emotionally, but opinions are like arseholes right? So here's my arsehole: I was not watching live last night so have just flicked through my video for the highlights. Yes it's a shame that Carolina wanted to cover up so much, but it's progress from what we've seen before - until last night I have found Carolina utterly boring so it's nice to see her relax a little, even if she was not confident enough to be fully in the open. People need to stop blaming Stella for everything, just because they don't like her. The panties stayed on because she's on her period. She did not mean to cover the bathroom cam, other girls have accidentally done that before with a towel and they always take it down once RLC texts them. It was not her idea to cover Carolina, but she helped because clearly it made Carolina comfortable - it would have been much worse if she had removed the sheet and Carolina became uncomfortable and the show ended. People are even blaming Stella for doing things when she was not even in the room - the mixture of late night action, sexual frustration and general anger at RLC is causing some members to have false memories, automatically assuming that it is Stella's fault whenever something happens they do not like It was also a shame that Lola and Carolina finished up on the balcony, but if you look at it from a different perspective it is actually quite a positive thing (hear me out.) Whilst there is no doubt, in my opinion, that the show was pre-planned, the fact that Lola was determined to give Carolina an orgasm, even if it meant going off cam to do it, meant that the night was not just about entertaining us viewers. They could have just stopped after the bed show, but they didn't; what happened on the balcony was for the pleasure of the girls, not for the pleasure of the viewer, and that shows more of a connection between the girls than just actresses on a screen. Carolina really did want to get off, and Lola really did want to help her do it. Lastly, this shows that the night a few weeks ago was not a one-off, and in all likelihood it will happen again. Whether this continues after Lola leaves remains to be seen.
  5. I like the idea of a Belle lesbian story, but I don't have any real interest in Game of Thrones so this is a bit lost on me
  6. That was Megan, and it was her own one. Lola's vibrator is much smaller and a different colour to the bright pink one Megan has
  7. Sure! This website has nothing to do with RLC - in fact RLC does not like this site at all. If a users posts a video on here publicly, RLC will ban that user's account! It was not always that way, we used to be able to posts pictures and videos without fear of getting banned, but that is no longer the case. All the old pictures and videos are still available, therefore the picture and video sections are still available. Hope I have been helpful
  8. THANKS THES for clarifying the new rules for the threads. Please can it also be a rule that if someone is spamming bullshit for 4, 5, 6 posts in a row on EVERY goddamn page (NAMING NO NAMES) then those posts should also be removed? I'm sure everyone here, with the exception of one particular user, would appreciate it
  9. Stella was speaking to someone on the phone, in English. Kept repeating "2 'C's and one 'M'" Then said "20 minutes." Ordering something?
  10. In fact, if you use Google Translate on this page, 'kase' translates to 'because,' so I think it's the same account just being affected by the translation
  11. I don't know what you're saying here. Kristy HAS fucked with no panties in the past. I have the video. I can clearly see she wore them tonight. Nobody is calling anyone a liar. I have no idea what you're talking about.
  12. Night dude, I feel you. The "BIG NIGHT" the other day seems to have spoiled this forum. Since then we have had a flood of new members who think that the girls have to have sex all day and night, and if they don't then they are worthless. A fucking great move by RLC I must say, they generate a load of new interest in their website, whilst at the same time making this website, one of their 'enemies', almost unusable due to all the bullshit that is now being posted here! Let's hope all the negative posters realise that this isn't the website for them, and just start to leave
  13. She is a young woman, they spend most of their life on their phone! It is not unusual. I must say however that Stella does seem quiet tonight, perhaps she has something worrying her, or feels a little unwell.
  14. Without continuing about Kristy too much (which should be in the other thread) Kristy has fucked with her panties off before, so there must be a reason why she isn't now. Could be she's on her period, wearing the panties offers some protection for the bedclothes! Or maybe she had some bad Indian food and her arsehole is a little rotten at the moment. Could be anything
  15. He's with Polya, he won't be 'getting involved.' I think it might be that he's the only one capable of having a decent conversation and Lola just wants to have a good talk
  16. They definitely do not own the building, but they don't own the other apartment building either and they were able to mount a camera. I think they will add a cam to Barc 2 balcony eventually, might just take a while
  17. People who do not have anything interesting to say, tend to say the same shit over and over again.... I started off just temp blocking Zinc but think I'll leave it that way, the forum is much better without him
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