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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Irma, Anna, Layla, Polya, Elisa, Rita, Adele, Aida and Rebecca have also all done modelling. The others probably have too, I just haven't seen the photos yet
  2. Well of course But the chatter was that beardo could be picking them up in his car. If he was back in the country so soon you can be fairly sure we'd have seen him by now. But I think it's very unlikely, if he had the time and money to come back so soon then he would have just stayed for longer the first time around
  3. This won't be the case. Yury has told us that Beardo lives in Ukraine. He flew in to Barcelona to stay with Lola, and now seems to have flown back. He does not live in the area, and does not own a car in Barca
  4. I think it is generally agreed by all that the girls are given some guidance on things to do in the apartment to keep the viewers watching. So they know that they should give each other massages, and wear lingerie, and behave in a 'sexy' manner. But I do not think they are told to 'stop' at any point, I think that in general the girls themselves decide what they are comfortable with, and there is a mutual understanding of how far the other girls are willing to go - most of the time, not very far. Last night, Carolina was really horny, and maybe you missed it but at one point she was in fact putting her hands underneath Lola's panties (although on the back, not the front.) Lola also rubbed Carolina's pussy with her fingers, over the panties, and Anna did the same to Lola. But it didn't go further than that, because apart from Carolina none of the girls were really in the mood. I personally do think that Lola tries to control the girl's behaviour, for example when she wanted to move them out of Megan's bedroom into hers that night, but for the most part the girls can do whatever they want. Thanks to Kitek's translation, we know for example that Rebecca asked Megan "Do you want me to do it?" Megan said yes, and Rebecca went down
  5. There are no restrictions. The girls can do what they want, it's just that most of the time they choose not to go further. If you saw the show last week you will know that there was probably more traffic on RLC that night than any night previously - this is great for RLC. More traffic = more interest = more members = more money. If there is one thing we can say for sure, it's that RLC will do whatever it takes to make more money. If that means lesbian sex in the Barca apartments, you can bet that they will encourage it, but they cannot force the girls to do anything.
  6. I would just like to say that we shouldn't be angry at the girls for using the balconies a lot. If I had an apartment with a balcony with a beautiful sea view in Barcelona you can be damn sure I'd spend as much time out there as possible, because it's a super nice place to be! By all means complain to RLC about putting a cam there, but you cannot blame the girls for using it
  7. We'll never know for sure! But damn I would love to know what would have happened. A little while back though Yury translated a conversation between Irma and Ilona where Irma implied she didn't enjoy sex with girls, as a girl had been flirting with her in a club and tried to kiss her but Irma rebuffed her. Still, maybe with a decent dose of MDMA inside her she would have changed her mind Something else we've missed out on, Danaya and Irma sharing an apartment. A match surely made in heaven
  8. The two Barca apartments are different to the others. In Barca the girls are travelling, and therefore are subject to Visa restrictions. Usually their stays are 30, 60 or 90 days long, although recently some have left earlier than their full allotments. In the majority of the other apartments the tenants are living in their home countries, or are nationalised, so they can stay as long as RLC wants them
  9. i have a friend who lives in Barcelona. He was at my work today as his business and mine are doing some work together. He flies back tonight, but he told me i was welcome to stay with him if ever I wanted to come to Barcelona for a weekend. He lives very close to the girls I might have to take him up on his offer
  10. no idea, not been able to find anything on her at all :( Although having said that, her passport is blue, as all Ukrainian passports are
  11. Yeah, but sharing with Lola and Carolina? I don't see her 'clicking' with Carolina, and with Lola? I'd rather she didn't!
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