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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. I wish you were right Beav! There are some who believe that every word that the girls speak is a lie deliberately to feed false information to our translators! Personally I believe what the girls say is genuine, and if they do want to discuss anything which they don't want the viewers to know about they either whisper or have those conversations on the balcony or bathroom, where there are no microphones
  2. Thanks Yury and thanks Noldus. Unfortunately in the end they did only perform a massage, no 'playing,' but it is good news that Lola is considerate of this! I look forward to seeing what she has in mind when she says 'play.'
  3. They pop up every now and then when someone discovers them and posts to the forum. Great pics though!
  4. Yes they have been posted, and there are many more, but it is against the forum rules to post external information on tenants on this board so I would recommend editing / deleting your post
  5. I do not fully understand your question The black girl is Stella, she arrived on August 15 and has been there since
  6. With respect, you think that Lola and Megan went into the entryway so that Megan could masturbate? That is not very likely, I must say. I was watching at the time, and I don't know why they went out the door - as you say they probably didn't leave the building as they weren't dressed for it. Much more likely is they met with someone, perhaps an RLC rep, in the foyer or external hallway. It reminds me of when Irma went out the front door in just her wrap a week or two ago, she was outside for 5 or 10 mins and then came back in.
  7. Yeah you're right. There is plenty of proof, let's leave it at that! Probably time for bed now, goodnight everyone!
  8. OK, you are correct that we cannot confirm 100%, but sometimes it is good to use common sense. She was Skyping with one person, a man, naked in the bathroom - this is 100%. She took a long item from her drawer, took that back into the bathroom, and then when she was finished she washed it under the tap - this is 100%. She also came out of the bathroom much sweatier, and much more unkempt, than when she entered. We can only be 99% certain, but it does not take a genius to figure this one out winnlove!
  9. Usually I would agree with you to be sceptical, but on this occasion there was no doubt. Megan was in the bathroom for 90 minutes, during which time she got undressed (we could occasionally see some small glances.) At one time she left her room, took a long makeup item from her draw and returned to the bathroom. Before she left the bathroom she got dressed and washed the makeup item. All the time she had her phone on, with headphones in, and we could see a person on the screen I have videos but I will not share because I'll get banned, but anyone else who was watching will confirm what I have said
  10. She did it off camera, in a blind spot, was putting on a show for her boyfriend on Skype, but it was obvious what was happening
  11. Irma is sexy as fuck and cute as a button at the same time. Ilona is gorgeous, flirty and fun. But Anna has Supermodel looks, that girl is something special
  12. Well we just have to hope that tonight isn't the night that the girls decide to stick their fingers up each other!
  13. No it's not the candles this time, the whole site, including other apartments, is slow. The candles suck no doubt, but this is something else, the whole site went offline a few minutes ago for me
  14. Thanks Kitek. I am sure she invented the story, and punched her friend in the face, and made the bruises on her leg herself, in order to cover for the fact that she was really escorting with 25 different guys last night I hope those people earlier who were complaining because she was absent from the apartment feel pretty stupid about themselves now that it was something serious
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