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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. OK whether you like his guy or not, he just started feeling up Stella whilst she was asleep. That is not cool, I don't care who you are
  2. Anna keeps looking at the cam. I wonder if this behaviour will continue when they go back to Barca 1. And fucking hell I hope this guy doesn't become a regular at these apartments
  3. This guy, he acts like he knows he could fuck them whenever he wants. He acts like he's fucked them before
  4. ANNA SLID BELLE'S PANTIES TO THE SIDE AND RUBBED HER PUSSY But now she's on the balcony with the ape
  5. Hey I just had a thought. Remember when Megan put on a show for someone in the bathroom? Check this out This guy she was Skyping seems to be a chubby guy with a beard who is balding. Remind you of anyone?
  6. Just flicked this on again, the dude was filling that blue bottle on the table with water in the kitchen. Is that a vodka bottle? Is he doing that so he can pretend he is drinking again, like last night? I just don't trust this guy
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