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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. The other girls are thinking "For fuck sake Mum, getting pissed and embarrassing yourself again"
  2. Yep, out onto the balcony for fresh air and a big glass of water from Rebecca. Sorry Lola, you're not as young as you used to be! Drinking gets harder as we get older!
  3. I am certain that "rule" does not exist. I just don't think any of the girls have ever really been interested in that
  4. You are talking complete rubbish. Lola is telling Rebecca to enjoy herself, she in on holiday and she should not worry about other commitments. Basically, Lola is telling Rebecca "What happens in Barca, stays in Barca"
  5. Thanks Kitek. The user Sergio says that the person Anna is seeing is Italian, and Anna herself has been speaking Italian to him. I believe him
  6. i am finding this show quite funny. Girls, I appreciate all the effort you are going to to put on a good show for us, but it is a lot simpler to just lick pussy haha
  7. I feel sorry for Lola. She was first in Barca 1 and was getting along very well with Irma, then after less than 2 weeks they moved her to the new apartment, with two girls she has little in common with. Then they move in Anna and instantly she and Lola are great friends, and then only a couple of weeks pass and Anna is moved out! I don't know much about Rebecca but immediately she seems less friendly than Anna (apologies to Rebecca if I am wrong!)
  8. It is possible that there were the same visitors with the child as before. After they forgot to put under maintenance last time this time they might not have wanted to take any chances
  9. Oh yeah I get it Mike, and I hate the usual complaining as much as you, but on this occasion Spoon was specifically asking Ze about Megan, so my answer was specifically about her too. There will always be people who bitch and moan about stupid stuff relating to all the girls. And I know you and Ze aren't best mates, but I must defend him here as he wasn't being insulting towards Megan like some users are towards the girls, he was just saying that he doesn't think she is right for RLC, which I think most of us agree with
  10. Usually I share your disdain for those who criticise the girls non-stop, but I do kinda see where Ze is coming from. It's not that Megan does or doesn't do anything in particular, it's just the lack of a spark, a smile, a sign of personality or fun. I think Megan is beautiful, with a fantastic body and she's probably a lovely girl, she just doesn't have *it.* It's hard to say what *it* is exactly, but think of it this way - you meet someone new for the first time, and within a few seconds you can usually tell whether you will like them or not. They might not have done anything specific that you can put your finger on, it's just their general demeanour, openness and personality. in my opinion, it's the same with the girls, they either have *it* or they don't.
  11. Everything you have said is correct, apart from one thing which is very very wrong
  12. I'm going for a pair of lips and a strawberry dipped in cream. Why doesn't she use screen timeout? Will rinse her battery
  13. Looks like Megan is trying to give Lola leopard spots or something similar, unfortunately looks more like leprosy at the moment. Not one of her better works
  14. Let's at this point remind ourselves that Anna is not afraid to put on a nice show for us. We all know the camera angles in Barca 2 are not great, she's showing plenty and I'm sure she'll only get more and more relaxed as time goes on. Christ people just be grateful this fantastic woman has come back to share her life with us again!
  15. I am certain that Phantom is being sarcastic Anna has already bated without the cover during this stay
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