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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. If you're interested, the tension between Aida and Adele relates to issues outside the apartment. Adele and Aida knew each other from Ukraine, and early in Adele's tenancy she contacted Aida to invite her to the apartment. Apparantly Aida then told some of Adele's friends *something* about Adele which she believed to be true and which was derogatory to Adele. When Adele went back to Ukraine for 3 days she found out that Aida had been talking about her, which made her angry
  2. I appreciate your opinion, but I disagree with your idea of a 'menu.' I am sure that RLC give the girtls ideas but whether they take them up or not is up to them.
  3. I may have misread, but I don't think she said that in English Regardless it is obviously not true, she said it in irony. Danaya is obviously not having much luck with men so to say she is turning lesbian is a typical responce from angry women. I do think that Danaya would be happy to fuck a girl though, not to find love but just to have some sensuality
  4. Respect yes, I think also she needs some good sex, and I would be MORE than happy to give her that!
  5. lol yes Mike, Danaya was joking, I think Yury is joking too
  6. Thanks Yury! These girls seem to have a lot of problems with men, probably because they go to expensive bars with rich guys - usually young + rich + good looking = asshole!
  7. I agree that there is not much difference between this and the Barcelona apartment, except for the genuine friendship of K&K. Kami has already told her friend that she will never have sex in this apartment (Kitek translated, I believe the exact words were 'Obviously we will never do it here') and to me that shows that the 'voyeur' element which viewers want cannot be found here. How unfortunate that all the other apartments act so much more naturally, most of them seem to not notice the cameras at all, but the two apartments which are the least genuine are the two which are the most popular!
  8. It is not certain that a new girl is coming just because the apartment is under maintainance, however I agree it is possible. I don't think Aida will share with anyone if that possibility arises, more likely that Adele and Danaya would share for a day or two
  9. I completely agree Alan, but I think that's as far as these girls will take it, at least in front of the cams. Both girls hide their masturbation from us, Kami more now than ever, so the chances of them hooking up in this apartment where we can see it are pretty much zero I would suggest. I doubt they'd go to a hotel to hook up as I think that the journey there would give one of them (probably Kami) cold feet, so the only chance would be a spur of the moment thing, perhaps after a night out, although as far as I can see neither of these girls really drink alcohol I'd love to see it don't get me wrong, and I'm not as cynical as Harley to suggest that this was all scripted, but I think last night was just a but of harmless fun, with a bit of a sexy edge, but not enough to trigger anything further
  10. Mr 10, that happened over a month ago! I think everyone has 'eased' off' now
  11. Apparantly she has quite a popular YouTube channel, maybe you have seen her there somewhere
  12. I don't think they are fake, Danaya frequently complains about the size of her boobs and suffers from backache. In a conversation with Adele the other day she said that they weigh around 4kgs, and she is considering having a breast reduction down to 3kg, or perhaps even further (Thanks again to Yury for this info)
  13. Aida is 100% Ukranian, she knows Adele from back in Ukraine and is also friends with Ilona
  14. I was out at a restaurant so didn't see it myself, but from what I heard there were tears
  15. Well I understand that a video of the arguement tonight is with one of our translators, hopefully the person who recorded the video gives him permission to post his findings and that will shed some light on the situation. You may well be right and there was an incident during the UM, however it seems these girls knew each other long before Aida moved in so there may be some historical beef at play here
  16. I wasn't on RLC when Nora was around so I cannot say anything about her, i know that she has lots of fans and lots of haters. I think when it comes to Aida, the fact that they all knew each other before this apartment means that I don't feel so bad about Adele and Aida not getting along. If they have some sort of history it is possible that Aida did something to annoy Adele long before she moved in, and Adele is not just being bitchy because she is 'jealous' or 'threatened' by Aida, as many have suggested (although then it was a bad idea for Aida to move in.) Of course, it's also possible that Adele is just being rude and they have no real history, Adele has just taken a dislike to her for some reason. I hope we will find out the truth eventually, because the atmosphere in the apartment is bad and it makes for bad viewing (although the viewing has been boring, in my opinion, since Irma and Anna left!)
  17. OK good news, of course it is best to wait until you have permission, thanks as always!
  18. Yes seems so, I know you do not have paid membership so hopefully someone took a video of the argument in the hope we can get a better idea of what happened tonight and what the problem is between these two girls
  19. I can explain this, in the chat last night Joe called the girls "whores" multiples times, and was told to stop. He indicated that other members have made similar observations and not been called out on it, and so has made this post out of irritation. I think that Joe was just frustrated by the ugly behaviour of Adele and Danaya yesterday and was speaking out of anger, not because he really thinks that way.
  20. This file is too big for Anony so sorry if some people can't see it, this was when Aida walked in on Adele and Danaya having their fun time. The way Adele looks at Aida, it's like "What the hell are you doing in here?" And she says something to her also that I obviously cannot understand but hope to find out soon. And then look at Danaya's face! Like she cannot believe whatever was said! Very odd
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