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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. I actually agree, but I think the forum might become unbearable again if that's all that happens. Having said that, she and Rose are VERY good friends so I'm sure that they'll have a lot of fun together no matter what happens
  2. Yes. And good attempt at Azerbaijan Edit - We don't actually know if she was mugged, she had her handbag stolen
  3. Well you know what isn't going to help encourage her get involved? Massive blue writing about how much you hate her. If you're going to rant and rave at least don't make it the biggest text on the page, please
  4. I am very hopeful for Jasmin's return. I was one of the few who actually admired her last time because I liked how she was completely natural and wouldn't change her behaviour to please the viewers, I found it refreshing and very, very sexy, but we know she wasn't happy with her pay. The fact that she has agreed to return bodes well because I can only imagine she would only come back if her contract was improved, and we know what the girls need to do in order to get paid more
  5. Good morning all, and welcome back JASMIN (what a very big surprise ) and welcome back POLYA (that one really was a surprise!) @BBsq69 i know you are worried about this but please please please start off on a positive note. You know the girls read the forum and the fact that your very first post was so negative and obvious is not the best way to welcome her back. I am very much looking forward to the next few weeks!
  6. Don't get me wrong BB, I am not predicting her return, just talking about someone who I would like to see back one day, with her good friends in an apartment I actually think it would be quite strange for Jasmin to come back as she wasn't happy with her pay last time, unless she is now willing to get involved a bit more in return for a better contract It would also be strange for RLC to invite her back because she wasn't the most popular girl, although she was of course extremely beautiful I am hopeful for the best, no matter who comes
  7. Just to say I hope Angel has a good journey home and enjoys the rest of her Summer. If she is leaving this Morning I wish her all the best In her future endevours and I look forward to a New girl arriving soon
  8. She may come back a changed woman, like others have done. Imagine Rosie, Belle and Jasmin in an apartment. Imagine walking in the door and being greeted by those three faces Wow
  9. It's me and Irma mate, sorry to tell ya. You'll have to watch my hairy arse banging her twice a night for the next 3 months
  10. Yep Goodbye Lia, Mia! You have been charming and pleasant and we wish you good luck on all your future endevours
  11. It's great fun with Belle and Rosie together, but it's a shame they're such close friends, too close to fuck in my opinion. You don't shit where you eat. And Angel is just not into girls, which is fair enough. Maybe Angel will be replaced by someone a little more curious
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