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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Speak for yourself mate! They don't call me 'Ben "has a really fast tongue" Fold' for nothing you know
  2. Yes but even this was unthinkable last time around. I'm grateful for it even if we can't really see anything. Thanks Belle for another fun night!
  3. To be fair, B1 have put on plenty of entertainment for the viewers the last few days, whether that entertainment is to our taste or not (personally I'm not interested in the body painting parties, but I appreciate they're at least making an effort.) I Think its a little harsh to be annoyed at them for going out on a Friday night. And of course, we have no idea what their 'contract obligations' actually are - I'm sure they have some, but for all we know they might have already fulfilled them with the dancing parties
  4. Couple more posts creeping in the last few pages, a bit more work to do for you guys. Glad to see some order being restored to this place
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