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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. I'm referring to the club that isn't actually a club RE Irma and Ilona, you mean leave early at the end of their stay or leave to go on holiday? They spent a week in Ibiza together in the middle of their stay, then Irma left at the end of her stay and Ilona went at the same time. Ilona had rejoined the project a few weeks later than Irma so you could say that of the two of them Ilona left early. Irma and Stella have not left the project yet. And I am excited for their return
  2. It's the perfume that's the deal-breaker for me. None of the girls ever apply it before going to that club, and Belle didn't on the last visit either, but she did today. I'm reasonably certain.
  3. I still maintain it's unlikely. She still has her makeup on, waterproof or not it wouldn't have survived that well through the showers. Also she went out and returned too early, based on all other visits
  4. Unlikely it's 'that' club, reasons being: 1 - No Irma. Irma has never let any girl go to that club with Alex on her own. When Jess and Karol wanted to go (on separate occasions) Irma was on her period and couldn't go, so she tried to talk Nora into going with them. She said it was not good to go alone 2 - She put on perfume and lipstick. None of the girls put on any makeup or perfume when going there. I assume one must shower upon arrival, so there's no point 3 - High heels. Obvious really, why bother? Much more likely she's gone to a normal club / party
  5. Perhaps you should block him too Noldus. I know you are a very tolerant person, but there is a limit...
  6. For crying out loud... We all know Mr Box is a troll. We all know he loves repeating his same old nonsense and he sits at his computer desperately cry-wanking at every person who replies to his drivel. Please, do what I do, block him. Then you don't need to see his posts and you can move on happily with your day. All of you quoting him means that I have to read his insane ramblings too. Thanks
  7. As long as her ideas are better than last time! Lara, Michelle and Candy did not set the world on fire The 'no' was addressing a different point, not about Angie btw if it sounded blunt I think my problem with Angie is that I saw her naked in photoshoots before I even saw her naked in the apartment. And despite the fact that she's been there a while now I can still type a couple of words into Google and find far more intimate footage of her than she has ever given the viewers in the apartment. She's a very nice girl, no doubt, but she doesn't really want to get involved and because of that I don't really think that she has anything more to offer me as a viewer
  8. No I don't think that even at an all-girl party Angie will fully participate. She's nice enough but I don't find her very interesting. Maybe Gina could bring more out of her (I think Gina and Angie are on a more similar level than Belle and Angie) but Gina is never there, always with the twins
  9. I would very much like to spend some time in the same bed as Gina and the Twins. I bet that room smells pretty good right now Goodnight everyone
  10. Less than a week ago Irma and Stella shared some of the most exciting and sensual sex we have seen in Barcelona. I agree that we have seen far too much of Alex, but to say that nothing ever happens is not true! Some information is provided by our friendly translators. Some comes from the social media accounts of the girls. And some info, I will not say where it comes from. It is against the forum rules to be too specific with regards to what the girls do outside the apartment, which is why sometimes it may seem like people are withholding information to make themselves seem 'important.' It's not true. Unfortunately, the Russian speaking members on CamCaps rarely post publicly any more, because their input was extremely valuable. I cannot speak for Kitek or Snaky, but I know Yury stopped posting because he can understand the situations better than all of us, and he grew tired of reading the constant speculation about the girls which he knew to be false.
  11. Girls have cried in the apartments before. Irma was terribly, terribly sad on her last visit, because of terrorist attacks in Turkey. Danaya cried almost every day, often for stupid reasons. I still do not see how you can make the connection that she was crying because she was 'following orders.' There are a million other reasons. And where Irma and Stella have gone is a very nice place that both of them will enjoy. It is not something they have been 'forced' to do. They will be back tomorrow or maybe the following day and they will both be very happy. And I am excited for their return - remember what happened the last time Irma spent a few days outside of the apartment - the first day back, Irma and Danaya. The next day, Irma and Jess. Irma always delivers for the viewer
  12. I realise it is a hopeless endevour trying to be a voice of reason on this forum, but hey I have a few days off work so I don't have to go to bed early tonight
  13. Stella had a nice date with a guy, she said that the date went well and they are planning a second rendezvous. Irma also had a date, it did not go as well as Stella's. I did not see when Irma was upset, but there are many reasons why someone may seem sad. I think to suggest that she is sad because she is 'following orders' is very far-fetched.
  14. Here's why, in my opinion, this argument does not make sense If RLC wanted to run a brothel, which is basically what you are insinuating, it would be easy and cheap to do so. It is not easy or cheap to keep apartments full of cameras and microphones online and running almost 24/7/365. They do this because RLC makes A LOT of money A night with a top, top escort (and I'm talking movie-star looks and porn-star skills) will cost you about £3000. RLC has tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of subscribers. They make far more than £3000 every hour, and although they of course have high overheads with paying for the apartments and maintenance, plus paying the girls, it is FAR more profitable to keep the site running than to get involved in small-time sex work which can be messy, dangerous and (most importantly) not cost-effective. How much money do you really think RLC could make pimping out the girls who are in the apartment currently? They are all lovely, but none of them are worth £3000 per night (forgive me Irma!) And they are rarely out of the apartment for a full night. Maybe £10,000 each, per month? And then split between the girls and the 'pimp?' That is pennies, an absolute pittance compared to what the website makes. The 'main business' undoubtedly remains the RLC website, no question RLC absolutely want to keep the viewers happy. Why do you think we have seen so much lesbian activity in the past month? It is not because the girls fell in love and decided to fuck, it's because they are putting on a show to keep the viewers entertained (and by the way, I am not complaining about this, I have had a great month!) Now whether the girls themselves want to get involved in other work is a different matter, they do not see a lot of money from RLC and so it is not ridiculous to imagine that some of them would find ways of making money for themselves outside of RLC. But to think that RLC is somehow involved in this? It doesn't make sense. RLC want the girls in the apartments painting each other, so people have something to watch and a reason to subscribe. An empty apartment = lost subscribers and the value of that is far greater than what can be made through 'other means'
  15. Considering he is not in the apartment it is a shame to spend another evening speaking about Alex, but it has started so here is my opinion. Pimp? Or Mafia? No. He does not have the authority. He is always bargaining with the girls. If he was a person of genuine importance he could do what he liked. Many times we have seen Irma tell him "No it is time for you to leave." She is the one who has the power in that relationship. Two days ago the girls were making fun of him because he was driving on his bike in a storm. You do not make laugh at people, on camera, if that person is somehow powerful. Is he a John? In a way I guess this is the closest definition. He buys things for Irma and the girls and in return she sends him pictures, and he is allowed to come to the parties. The night with Stella and Irma is hard to explain, my own theory as I said before is that they were drunk, Irma wanted some sex and he was available, willing and trustworthy. And Stella is just a freak I do not know why all the other girls are so accepting of him, I can only assume that this is either because they all like Irma, and want to make her friends happy, or maybe they actually do like him - it's possible he is well connected and can get them into good clubs / parties. We already know he got Irma (and maybe Danaya) memberships at a prestigious gym / fitness centre. He also seems to be a taxi driver and chaperone. I think they all benefit from the relationship equally (we know especially that Belle can not be trusted to make her way home alone safely) I do hope we do not see much more of him, but I do not think there are terrible dark forces at work here. Irma is a unique girl. If you are friends with her, you will find yourself getting into some crazy situations, like he has. On the last day of Irma's stay during the Summer, Polya spoke about how they had been on the beach and Irma had started twerking and dancing, and a crowd of people were watching and cheering. Irma outside the apartment is exactly the same as Irma inside the apartment, she does what she wants when she wants and she will hang out with whoever she likes, and she absolutely does not care about other people's opinions about that. And you will all miss her when she is gone, whether you realise it now or not!
  16. LOL, enjoy Noldus I do not have a need, but if i did it would be Irma and Jess My two favourites LOL
  17. Can't agree with you there mate. Danaya, Jess, Stella plus the night with Stella and Alex. But it's not a competition. And I'd still like to see it. Irma definitely a giver when it comes to oral
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