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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. And Megan, Becca, Lola, Belle, Anna, Carolina and Jessica, if we go by all the girl-on-girl action we've seen in Barca (I'm excluding Danaya)
  2. I just returned and see Irma is upset I hope it is nothing too bad, but now it seems she is talking with her mother and has a smile on her face
  3. Perhaps he had a spare, or got some cheap (I have a friend who can do the same) Alternatively, I still have the full packaging for my phone. A translation was posted - Stella asked Alex how much the phone would cost, he said he would need to look up the value. Stella said she did not have enough money but was going to sell her iPad to pay for it. She asked Alex if he would sell her iPad for her and keep the money to pay for the phone. When he came over for blacklight painting night he gave her the phone and left with the iPad
  4. I have a suspicion we may have to wait a little while longer for Stella and Irma to return. Not based on any information, just a feeling. As always, I am sure Irma will make it up to us before she leaves the project
  5. Megan was always in B2, never in B1 Also when Anna returned she was in B2 Edit 2 - No mention of Jessica in B1 Edit 3 - Danaya was also in B2
  6. It's fine. I didn't like the insinuations against Stella about that phone, and I posted a bit of a translation about it.
  7. The phone is completely unrelated to the fact that Stella ended up in a bed with him. Absolutely not related. Stella paid for that phone, in cash.
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