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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. There are times it has worked, and i do like having new girls come in, but they need experienced girls there too to make them feel welcome and comfortable. Megan and Becca - fantastic, but they wouldn't have been the same without Lola (OK she was not experienced on RLC, but she knew exactly what she was doing) Jess did fantastically well, but she had Nora and then Irma to guide her
  2. This idea that clearing out the apartments and bringing in new girls who have never been on RLC before will magically make things 'better' is nonsense I like all the girls, but Gina and the Twins have done nothing, and they've never been in the project before. Angelina's fine, I don't find her very interesting but that's just my personal opinion. Without the experienced girls (Nora, Irma, Stella, Danaya and Jess - I include Jess as experienced as she's obviously no stranger to a webcam) these last few months would have been absolutely dead Let's say RLC get in 6 new girls tomorrow. What happens? 2 of them turn their backs to the cams in the shower. None of them talk to each other for 2 weeks. 4 of them don't bate and the 2 that do hide undercover and Mr Box has a heart attack. None of them have a mother figure to guide them so they do what RLC says, awkwardly giving each other massages and having fake parties. Nothing improves I personally am happy with the current situation. I don't think I'll be very interested in the project once Irma leaves but that's how it is, some periods are better than others. I honestly think most of the complainers have been spoiled by what the experienced girls have given us. You'll never be happy
  3. I know it is not best for us, but I'm glad they're going out to see Irma off in style. It's Friday night, it's her last days in Barca, they should go out and show Irma a super good time I Reckon they're going to have a fantastic evening
  4. Here's a wild and crazy theory for you guys. I didn't see Belle return last night but people have been saying she was chatting with a girl. Maybe she was watching all that lesbian porn to get hints and tips?
  5. like I said, it's very unlikely they even saw each other tonight, so I guess Belle is either still partying or she's pulled!
  6. I doubt Irma went to meet Belle. Belle and Angie were out to party, Irma was out because she probably needed to clear her head. Not a good combo
  7. Maybe she did, I do not know. Tonight it seemed she needed a friend, and if Alex can comfort her then I am glad
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