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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. This is definitely Mia yeah? She looks a little different than her sister when she lies there. Different expression and slightly different pussy
  2. Uh oh you'll get BB started! But seriously Belle has been back in the groove past few days, naked dancing all over the place.
  3. I have a great gif of that somewhere. She walked into the bathroom, saw Lola, and about 10 seconds later was naked and in the shower with her
  4. She definitely has mate, not on this visit but she did on the last one. Personally I still believe Belle is the same great girl she was last time, it's just taking a little longer to shine through. Same with Stella, and look how that turned out
  5. I would agree with you except he's already gone a little further with Stella and Irma. My own personal opinion of that night is that they were all pretty drunk and Irma decided to give him a present. And Stella? She is just a fun girl who likes to say yes (to sex, to drugs, to rock'n'roll) and who knows, maybe she actually likes him as a friend? And what is the harm in a finger between friends
  6. I like to see the girls having fun too, but whether we like it or not they seem to have fun when he is around (not Angelina maybe, but she prefers not to visit B1 anyway.) I too hope that when Irma leaves it's the end of Alex, but it's not 100%
  7. I understand and know far more about these girls than you ever will And there are others who know far more than you too. But because you are a jerk, you will never know. Have a lovely day Sergio
  8. A lot more false info and false accusations on here last night @eremes @wathou You both were making a lot of noise about Stella and Alex's iPhone, that the phone was 'payment' for other services. Yury kindly translated a video I sent him yesterday about the iPhone, and it is not as you assume it to be: Stella wanted Alex's iPhone 7, she wanted to know how much it would cost. Alex said he would investigate the current value. To pay for it Stella asked Alex to sell her iPad, but again Alex did not know the value of it and said he would investigate. Stella asked if Alex would give her the phone before he sells the iPad, and then he can keep the money from that sale (and return to her any additional funds above the value of the iPhone.) Alex agreed. Thus, Alex gave Stella the iPhone and no money has changed hands, but Alex will receive payment when he sells Stella's iPad. Although both of you have excellent English, you are two people for whom English is not the first language, listening to two OTHER people for whom English is not the first language, and you have misunderstood the situation. Then posting about it as a fact on the forum is not helpful to anyone. Understand that I do not like Alex, but you are consistently coming to the wrong conclusions about him because you WANT to believe he is worse than he is. And Wathou, you also spoke about how you want Irma to leave as soon as possible. Remember that when she is gone, we will have night after night of nothing, no excitement. There are no leaders to bring back apart from Lola, and I do not expect to see her again yet, and the twins and Stella are not initiators. I hope you like body painting
  9. Nobody's bashing Belle mate, she can't sing or dance but that's endearing. Ilona couldn't sing or dance either and it was one of the things I liked most about her
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