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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. The thumbnails are ordered by how many viewers are watching them. Therefore if you click the 'auto top cam' button it will always take you to the first thumbnail, and if something more exciting starts happening elsewhere the top thumbnail changes and the stream will change too
  2. I don't agree with Max on much, but we do know this for a fact. Lima in particular spoke about how if she masturbated once a month she got paid more
  3. I'm fairly sure it was Mia, so nothing would have happened anyway. But even if it was Lia, she was just doing some sewing Also worth noting that the Twins like having Irma around them, they're always clinging to her
  4. I'm not sure why you seem to think I don't like Belle! I'd 100% have Belle back before Jasmin, without a doubt, even though I certainly think Jasmin was more attractive (along with Stella maybe the most beautiful we've ever had.) I don't see how that makes me a hypocrite because I'm one of the few who doesn't complain when the girls aren't putting on a show. I like Danaya, I liked Jasmin and I like Stella even though those girls have not really done very much (referring to Stella second time around.) At the same time I like Irma, I liked Belle and I liked Jess. There are very few girls who have passed through these doors that I haven't enjoyed watching, and I am certainly not one to complain if there's not a show happening every night Jasmin only complained about the lack of money at the end of her stay, and I agree that if she wanted to earn more then the onus was on her to put on more of a display, but I would never be like the people who think the girls 'owe' us a show because we pay to watch them. They get their base salary and that is just so that we can watch them live their lives. Those who want to earn more know what to do!
  5. She's Ukrainian though (well, half) In reality I'm sure it's not much different to Russia in terms of Gay rights
  6. I'm still happy to give her some more time. When she came before it was a couple of weeks until she found Irma's ben wah balls in the drawer and then she started using them, before buying a dildo. And I know people will say 'She doesn't need time to adjust because she's been here before' but I'm sure it's still a change in circumstance and a system shock to come back into the project. If in a month she's still the same then I'll agree with you, but I know that girl is still inside her and I have no doubt when the mood is right she'll come good
  7. When Stella was in B1 the girls were all talking in the kitchen. Stella spoke about how she had had sex with a girl before (as in, before coming to RLC.) I wouldn't say it was just the Lola effect that caused that. Can't remember if it was Yury or Kitek who translated that, but thanks whoever it was
  8. It's fine. Naga doesn't like Irma, I get it. Not sure why having her walk in the room is a problem, but there you go
  9. Careful Thes, defending Jasmin is fighting talk! Although I completely agree with you. I admired how she behaved exactly the same on the first day as on her last day, never putting on any silly shows but never hiding either. And yes she was absolutely gorgeous too Interesting that Irma is slipping, there is no doubt in my mind that this is entirely due to the appearance of Alex. Let's face it, people don't want to see him and it's because of Irma that he is there. And whilst I don't really want to see him either, Irma is obviously going to get my vote. She would have to really fuck up to ever stop being my No. 1 Interesting that Jess is leading, I knew she was popular but didn't realise how much so. She is a lovely girl
  10. If Lia bates but Mia doesn't, do you reckon RLC has a hard time figuring out who to give the bonus to? Best that they do it side by side to make sure there's no confusion
  11. Oh for sure, Danaya used to hide out there all the time. But Mia was only in there for about a minute. Peeing in front of your housemates is one thing, dropping the kids off at the pool is another thing entirely
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