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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Neither. He is a long-time friend of Irma. Their relationship is odd, he pays for her to have nice things (Gym membership, meals etc) and in return she sends him sexy pictures and stories about her escapades. She says she is not interested in sex with him, but she doesn't mind him looking. But then, Irma doesn't mind anyone looking
  2. I have nothing against Alex, but I hope he has a nice Valentines Day meal with the girls and then fucks off so the girls can give each other proper V Day gifts
  3. I don't have that intuition, but I think he's OK. Irma's mother knows who he is, so he can't be too badly behaved. I bet her Mum is a fearsome woman
  4. When the cameras went down, the apartment went UM. When the power is fucked, the apartment went UM. When they tried to fix the heating in B2, the apartment went UM. Whenever RLC arrange for workers to be in the apartment, it goes UM. Why would this guy be an exception?
  5. He doesn't work for RLC. I just think he's a genuinely nice guy who helps them out with stuff around the house I don't for a minute think that the people who run or work for RLC are good people, but this idea that their workers would be fucking the girls seems ridiculous to me. When it comes to business, you don't shit where you eat
  6. They have spent a lot of time together outside the apartment, but nonetheless it's definitely developing very quickly!
  7. It was. Yury has translated a little: Apparently, she was talking with Ruslan. I think they are talking about where they were going to live together. Sounds like her boyfriend is finished
  8. Almost bedtime, haven't watched much of what's happened today so missed most of the Twins, sounds like you enjoyed the show though
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