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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. I have just started cooking dinner, won't be finished for another hour, I hope Irma takes it nice and slow with Danaya tonight! I wouldn't be surprised to see Rus tonight either, that was the plan earlier in the week but since then Irma has had her way with Jess so plans may have changed
  2. When Irma was licking Jess, she said to Jess "I love wet pussies like yours" (thanks Yury for that info!) At the end, Jess told Irma she loved her It sounds like Irma has tasted quite a few and knows what she likes!
  3. Goodnight girls! And thank you again! All in all, it has been a pretty good start to the week! Goodnight CamCaps
  4. I made no such comparison at any point. It does sound like you are putting her down because you don't want to eclipse Belle - whether that was your intention or not Irma just brought another girl to orgasm using her mouth and we've never seen that before in Barca, for me it's the pinnacle of what any of the girls can do
  5. Ilona! I know you're hanging out with your latest squeeze but FOR GOD SAKE get yourself back to Barcelona!
  6. Tonight wasn't, but yesterday was! But all nights were awesome and I am bloody knackered and also I have no more clean socks
  7. Well Irma, I never thought Becca's record of going down on 3 girls would be be beaten... Take on the Twins and you're a record breaker!
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