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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. She had an argument with Nicole tonight. Bet she wishes she was tucked up warm and cosy with Irma right now
  2. She took some tablets out of a draw before that. If you remember she used to put dissolvable tablets in her vagina, perhaps it was to stop any leakage from that
  3. Irma talking about Danaya and the massage yesterday To think that a party at B2 was the first time Irma had met Danaya, and D was a little cold towards the B1 girls. Irma kept trying to break her ice and eventually Danaya caved. And here we are
  4. You know what was super hot about last night? There was no music. You could hear every slurp crystal clear
  5. Not saying that, but people are talking like they EXPECT this to turn into a show like last night. I'll be very surprised if it does (surprised but delighted!)
  6. Yep, she want him to bring her some cheese, took a photo of the brand as she has some in the fridge I think she also told him he could stay over one night
  7. She's going to the Gym tomorrow and the cinema on Friday. Asking if the film has subtitles as she doesn't want to watch it in Spanish
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