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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. I must have missed that conversation, in the kitchen they were talking about a guy, Irma asked if Alex was jealous of him
  2. From Yury a few days ago - Irma's relationship with Alex is very strange. He pays for her go places, like the club or for meals, and in return she sends him selfies and tells him about her adventures. She has never had sex with him but she does not mind that he looks at her
  3. The delay could also have been because putting the screen may have needed planning permission, or at least permission from the owner of the building
  4. This is not true for everyone. Also they had to block the glass because there is a landmark opposite the apartment which would be easily seen from the position the camera is in now, and which makes it very easy to locate the apartment. Good job to RLC for doing it though!
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