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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Quiet night so far tonight. If only there was something awesome which had happened recently which I could re-watch over and over and over
  2. That side of the balcony gets more sun, but not sure why they'd put the bench there at night And I'm not sure about all this talk about Irma having put on weight, that girl works hard to maintain her fabulous figure and she looks as amazing now as she did on the first day she stepped into B1 in 2015 But I guess nobody is surprised to hear me say that
  3. I love Belle, but I'd,rather watch Irma dance in underwear than Belle dance naked. Irma can really, really dance, she's super skilled, whereas Belle has no dancing talent but a lot of enthusiasm Belle is still miles better than Ilona though
  4. I'm sure it was the dream for many viewers, but I like to think Irma did it just for me Yes it was in NV but the sound and picture quality were excellent and there was no flickering between day / night I'm sure there will be complaints today (from idiots) but I couldn't care less at the moment! Thanks Irma and thanks Danaya for delivering me the Holy Grail!
  5. It was a little more than how you described it (she did more than just kiss her clit, she sucked it right up into her mouth a few times!) but you're right that it wasn't a full-on box munching. Much as I'd love it, I doubt we will see another show like that from these two. Danaya will be leaving in around a week and this was probably her big send-off. I'd love to be proven wrong though! I wish everybody a happy and fantastic day!
  6. Well tomorrow I will go to work and sit quietly at my desk and get on with my job, and my colleagues will be talking to me as if it is just a normal day, and I will have a special happy feeling in my stomach that nobody else would understand. But you guys understand <3 Goodnight everyone, I think there's time for one more viewing before bed :)
  7. Not me mate, this was the thing I've wanted to see since Danaya first arrived in B1 all those months ago. This was literally the Final Boss of RLC. This is my RLC Everest
  8. You just know that some miserable cunts are going to pop up saying "It's all a show to make you get your credit cards out!" And they're right, but if they're giving us EXACTLY what we want to see, then fucking hell mate that's just called the free market.
  9. I posted yesterday that Irma would give us something to make up for lost time, but even I could not have expected this! Where's that prick who was convinced that by 3pm today Irma would be fired from RLC. Ha ha ha ha!
  10. Well then. Some mysteries solved. Irma likes licking pussy Danaya likes sex with girls Karol should have tried harder
  11. I don't give a fuck that it's just a show I don't give a fuck that they're getting bonus money I have just seen Irma's tongue on Danaya's pussy ......... To all the Irma doubters - up yours!
  12. Yep, massage coming up! Usually I would not be this excited for a massage, but this is the one I want to see!
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