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Everything posted by alanohio

  1. Ok. Let's take this from the top. If one is asking if the girl's would or would not do a massage with or without the camera - I would admit that if there were no cameras, maybe they wouldn't. You can't seperate the fact that some of their actions are done because the cameras are present. NOT because it's scripted, but because there is a benefit to them (either contract extension or bonus money) if they have a bigger audience. This is also why I have said many times, this isn't "real life" because real life situations don't have cameras. It is "real" only in the sense they live day to day more or less how they would if the cameras weren't there. HOWEVER - and there's a reason I put that in caps - SOME people will have sex MORE with cameras, and OTHERS will have sex less - and some will do things exactly like they would either way. Do you think Nelly and Bogden would act any differently in their own apartment without cameras? I don't think so. Do you think Leora would masturbate in the Guest room or bedroom if there were no cameras? Do you think Masha would masturbate as much if the cameras were gone? Do you think Demid would cover himself if there were no cameras? See my point? Everyone reacts differently. Vika's BF is scared to death someone might see his dingy. Nina and Kira, I think act the same way they would without cams. And I think K&K would act the same as well (although Kami would have more guys over). As I said before, there's no reason for RLC to control any of this, and there should be an expectation that everyone of the participants is going to act differently in front of internet cameras. That doesn't make anything fake, it makes it real - just not in the way everyone is expecting.
  2. Remember, "viewership" means little. "Subscriptions" mean everything. If they haven't seen a drop in subscriptions, there's no pressure to address a bad apartment.
  3. Here's the point; Does it really matter? Here we are grown men watching life play out for a couple girls we don't even know. Someone translates that one of the girls lived with a guy for months - it's reasonable to assume they slept together - and we are questioning whether the translator had reason to lie? I don't know why she didn't post any pics of her and him together, but that's certainly not proof they weren't sleeping together. Again, does it really matter? Not unless one wants to justify that they had sex the night before she left because RLC scripted the drama that way. That was the original claim I responded to because I do not believe RLC has script writers.
  4. It wouldn't surprise me. I think everything that was promised (or expected) from the apartment situation didn't pan out for Elisa. Add to that Rita is basically here to fill a spot, and she doesn't seem ready to become part of a team - and Vika &BF have effectively ruined the Barcelona brand name. At this point, RLC is left with nothing unless they clean house and start over. If they're smart, they will pay a bit more attention to how they team people up, and what rules might be necessary for visitors (I don't think they can refuse visitors, but they certainly can limit their stay - 2 weeks should be plenty). Could anyone have guessed things would get worse when Danaya left? At this point, those were the good old days.
  5. It's quite different, I think, to walk around naked in front of a camera where your male counterparts are who knows where, when compared to a male being maybe 10 feet away and you probably don't even like him.
  6. All suggestions I make are made in friendship :) Not to worry. I know I've gone overboard a few times too - we're only human.
  7. I'd be a little bit careful about saying things like "Nearly all people...". A lot of us watch for many more reason's than just seeing skin. If skin was all we were interested in, there are thousands of porn sites and porn cams we could watch instead. And of course we know it's not "real life" - not the kind that you and I live anyway. Put people in a room with a camera to the internet and your going to see people trying to live their life at different levels - they never forget the camera's are there... but HOW they react to the camera's is in itself also interesting. Some people run and hide, others walk around naked - and ALL of it is interesting. It's fine to tell us what you think and believe, but be careful about speaking for others, or insulting people for not seeing things the way you do. That's a very short road to being ignored.
  8. Most of the bathroom cams don't have "night vision" - so if the lights are off and the door closed, the room is black.
  9. No hard feelings. Conversing by text without expressions and body language between two people that have never met is difficult, to say the least.
  10. I ran this poll to make a point. Watching this apartment and the many visits of "Taboo" and the interaction between her and Zoya and Lev, it suddenly occurred to me that the common belief that "Taboo" is Lev's sister or Cousin didn't make as much sense as "Taboo" being Zoya's sister. Obviously, as little as we know about these people - and having no direct translator like we do for the Barcelona apartment, we have little to go on. Accepting that I could be totally wrong, ONE justification is the similarity between Zoya and "Taboo". I posted a picture in the poll (below) and asked; Is this Zoya or is it "Taboo"? I fully expected a 50-50 split since it is difficult. The results are (47 votes); Zoya - 67%, Taboo - 33% The Answer? It's Taboo. I know you might not be willing to accept that, but I happened to watching the apartment when I snapped that picture, and Taboo was actually talking to Zoya standing at the doorway to the living room at that moment. Reiterating my point, they almost look like twins, so believing they are sisters is not that difficult. Justification TWO; if you watch closely, Zoya and Taboo wear each others clothes a lot. PS: Yes, if Zoya and Taboo are sisters, the relationship between Taboo and Lev is a bit closer than one would expect. Then again, Lev might have known Taboo first, and it would be difficult for Zoya to complain too much since it's her sister.
  11. MrBox, why do you want to make it so hard? I was referring to comment(s) that the action was faked. I was not responding directly to you. I am not blaming anyone for my actions - but a number of people who are accusing RLC of faking this are also mad at them. I was simply pointing out that even though I have reason to be mad, I don't think it's fake. There have been many discussions about Kami living 6 months with cokeboy prior to her moving into this apartment (unless we want to think they had no sex during that time).
  12. Sorry guys, I don't buy into the "scripted fake sex" position at all. If there's anyone here that has a reason to hate RLC, it's me. 2 years, 4 accounts, 2 banned (one within a day of getting it), and my last account expiring in a few days and I'm going to let it go. Read this twice. There is NO reason for RLC to script what happens in these apartments. You treat this environment like it was a porn studio. "lift you left leg higher, move your hair". That's bullshit, and I think those of you with a brain know it. All you have to do is put an ad in the paper that offers a free apartment and food - an apt with cameras in every room, and act yourself. Oh, and sex would be appreciated - AND will be considered in your contract renewal as well as audience participation. Do you have any idea how many people would apply? The problem isn't getting these people, the problem is getting people that have a half brain to play this game right. By the way, whoever said Kami and cokeboy had their first sex the day before she went on vacation. Had you been following these girls as long as some of us, you would know that is laughable for reasons I won't even bother to state. Coke boy still thinks he can convince Kami to accept him, but I think she will ultimately see that he is not interested in HER happiness, only his own. I suspect this fake sex thing will go on as long as RLC goes on, but those of us that know better also know who pays attention and who doesn't by what position they take on this subject.
  13. I know the photo was there originally - at least it seems most respondents found it, but I did re-add it above.
  14. Reposting this for those who may have missed it. Will talk about results tomorrow. http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=57239cb0e4b010ceddec8b0a Not sure what happened to the photo, but here it is again...
  15. Can we please stop the petty "Rep Wars" ? Can't we disagree on an issue without trying to give and take away points? I feel like we're back in grade school when we got red and green stars on our chart from the teacher.
  16. The issue is numbers. Yes, there are a lot of us that don't like what's going on, but when compared to the total number of RLC subscribers, we're a pebble in the grand scheme of things. Even if ALL the paying RLC members that are part of CC complained, it would hardly be a ripple in their fishpond. I hate the direction RLC is going as well, and I likely won't subscribe anymore as my way of saying enough - but expecting our "outrage" to matter with RLC is living in a fantasy world. The days of customer satisfaction are over. Don't like it? Don't buy it.
  17. http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=57239cb0e4b010ceddec8b0a I'm not sure what happened to the photo but here it is again...
  18. Zoya = 1 Taboo = 1 Anyone else? I do know the answer since I took the photo live :)
  19. I got the valuation figures from Domaintally.com who uses a proprietary algorithm to determine these figures. They do provide a white paper. I suspect the algorithm makes a lot of assumptions, some of which may not apply in RLC's case, but to get numbers we would know to be true, would require financial data that likely isn't available to the public. One thing is certain, however, are the stats on website visitations. That is public information, and it doesn't show significant growth (with the US showing a shrinking viewership). This is probably why they are trying to force more subscriptions by blocking rooms and banning members.
  20. I thought this would be interesting to some of you... did a little research this morning. 1. A few simply calculations shows that RLC has (at most) 5,500 members paying $45/m. It very possibly might be less since advertising income is in the figures as well. 2. Daily page views appears to be going down in the US faster than globally 3. Estimated income is $8,000+ per day. There are a lot of stat reporters and they all don't agree exactly, but what I'm posted here seems to be the most accurate.
  21. At this point I am waiting for Vika to leave and/or a third girl to join the crowd. I'm not sure this is Vika's problem as much as it's RLC's. They have destroyed the all-girl concept of the apartment and slowly destroying the benefits of being a member. At this point, if it wasn't for Elisa, this apartment wouldn't be worth watching at all. By the time they do that, my subscription will be over and I doubt I'm renewing. Obviously $45 a month would let me see everything, but it's more of a policy disagreement. It's becoming obvious that RLC is ONLY interested in money - no loyalty at all for long time followers. Fortunately, my enjoyment of seeing voyeur content isn't so uncontrolled that I will give money to a business that I don't agree with their policies. As much as I like K&K and N&K, I will fill my days with something I feel I can support, rather than put money in the pockets of greedy idiots. Whatever I see on the free cams will be enough, and if they choose to block those as well, I really do have a life beyond RLC LOL
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