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Everything posted by alanohio

  1. Apartment Review, Masha & Sasha This is one in a series of my honest opinion of the current apartments. I'm dividing each apartment into its own review so I could post each one in the appropriate thread. I'll post each as I complete it. Two Thumbs Up !!! This couple is another "real deal" apartment. Real life, openness to the RLC concept, good relationship, and interesting guests. Some have complained that Masha "fakes" her 'bates but I simply think she's one of those individuals who doesn't blast through it in 5 minutes. She actually enjoys it - which is another sign she isn't faking (who would want to fake an orgasm that took 30 minutes to get to?). The main thing I notice in this apartment is they aren't afraid of the cameras - and as such, you get some pretty good and unexpected views now and then. Any couple who invests themselves into the purpose of RLC to entertain their viewers deserves a good word, or two :). Two Thumbs Way Up !!!
  2. You do have a very good point. Two reasons for paying, (1) to figure out where they really are, and most of the time there's nothing interesting going on, and (2) the RARE event something is actually happening in the room that's interesting - like changing or being naked. In the SUPER RARE event, you might get to see one of the girls get something on with someone, like Kristy did last month. But to tell you the truth, RLC might have done me a favor banning me. That's about $500 a year they put back in my pocket :)
  3. Apartment Review, Carla & Mario This is one in a series of my honest opinion of the current apartments. I'm dividing each apartment into its own review so I could post each one in the appropriate thread. I'll post each as I complete it. No, no, and no. It doesn't matter what the questions are. From my first day in RLC I disliked Mario. He strikes me as a 14 year old kid in an adults body. He can't keep his hands off himself, and doesn't seem to be focused on making sure Carla enjoys herself. Add to that the constant fighting and bickering, and it's near impossible to find a day they are interesting to watch. Carla is a very pretty woman, even is she is a bit overweight - and she deserves someone who wants to care for her - not just use her for a place to... you get the point. Some of you might see things differently, but the bottom line is this apartment is not fun to watch. I would much rather see a new couple here that brought in friends and had a few parties.
  4. Apartment Review, Nelly & Bogdan This is one in a series of my honest opinion of the current apartments. I'm dividing each apartment into its own review so I could post each one in the appropriate thread. I'll post each as I complete it. Nelly is my little Elf :) Really, that's the way I feel. Ever had a fantasy of f____g an Elf? LOL I mean, who wouldn't want to go to bed with Arwen, Galadriel, or Tauriel ??? Nelly displays all the qualities of an Elf, frail (when she wants to be), exotic, downright enjoyable. Yeah, I know, I'm going a little overboard LOL And Bogdan is a perfect match for her. They enjoy each other no matter what they are doing, they are always smiling at each other. And when it comes to sex, anywhere in the apartment it strikes them - no hiding in the bedroom under the blankets. This is one of the top rated apartments in my opinion. A win win for both RLC and its viewers. Not only do I want this couple to stay, I want more couples just like them :)
  5. Apartment Review, Zoya & Lev This is one in a series of my honest opinion of the current apartments. I'm dividing each apartment into its own review so I could post each one in the appropriate thread. I'll post each as I complete it. I've had days I've wanted to kick Lev in the butt, and days I was mesmerized with Zoya 'bating on the couch. As much as I sometimes think this apartment should go away, I have to admit (1) that it is Lev ALONE that makes me feel this way, and (2) in fairness, he does seem to be better recently (other than his game playing). Zoya is interesting, and pretty, and somewhat of a free spirit. I wish she was in an all girl apartment - or at least a guy that took more interest in her. Add to that the mystery of "Taboo" and you have the makings of entertainment. Personally, I think Taboo is Zoya's sister. I have a series of pictures that I would challenge anyone to be able to know which was which. I've got this little story in my head that Lev might have dated Taboo first - thus the "closeness", and it would make it hard for Zoya to complain too much since Taboo is her sister. I could be flying a Kite here too LOL, but that's why I want to keep this apartment. Mystery is one of the best kinds of entertainment, and there is a Sherlock Holmes story here...
  6. Apartment Review, Suzan & Hector (and 2 guests) This is one in a series of my honest opinion of the current apartments. I'm dividing each apartment into its own review so I could post each one in the appropriate thread. I'll post each as I complete it. First of all, Yes, Suzan has a great set of breasts. Now that's that out of the way, lets continue. This apartment use to be fun when there was only Guest #1 (Hector's brother). There was some sexual tension between him and Suzan, and watching it play out, with all the teasing, etc. was simply entertaining. I have a feeling, however, that Hector brought in Guest #2 to water that down (which it has significantly). Now, the apartment is pretty boring. Two "helmet" guys doing childish stuff, and four people in a small apartment is crowded. Yes, Hector and Suzan have sex almost every day in the bedroom - but it follows the same script every time. From double folding a towel to keep excess cum off the sheets, to eating her out, to her on top under blankets, to him on top with no blankets, to cumming on her stomach, and him getting toilet paper to clean her up. Same thing, over and over and over. When Suzan and Guest #1 were teasing each other, cuddling as they watched TV, and poking at each other, there was always some excitement (however remote) that they would go a bit further. Now, that is gone, and we got the same thing being replayed day after day. If we lost this apartment at this point, I wouldn't be sad.
  7. Apartment Review, Carina & Sabrina (and Blue) This is one in a series of my honest opinion of the current apartments. I'm dividing each apartment into its own review so I could post each one in the appropriate thread. I'll post each as I complete it. Where do I start? I have to admit I'm not into Butch, so I'm going to have a hard time being fair. HOWEVER, I said once before and I'll say it again; Carina is making a big mistake trying to be different. Ok, she's big boned and a bit heavy, but I think we would all be surprised how good she would look if she fixed herself up as a female. I think she's giving up so much trying to enforce her male-position in the relationship. Sabrina is a good looking girl, but for me, at least, it's hard to see her for herself because of Carina's overbearing looks. Blue is the only saving grace in this apartment. She's cute, and the "shows" give us some insight of what goes on behind the online cam rooms... and I'd like to see her with a guy again - just not marathon man. This is one apartment I hardly ever check. If it was to go, odds are we could gain something much better.
  8. Apartment Review, Nina & Kira This is one in a series of my honest opinion of the current apartments. I'm dividing each apartment into its own review so I could post each one in the appropriate thread. I'll post each as I complete it. I love these girls. Period. There is no other apartment in RLC that is truer to "real life". These girls share their emotions on their shoulders; we get to see the best and worst of a relationship. And we get to watch them make up :) Both of the girls work, so they are usually away from the apartment during the day, but are home almost every night - sometimes alone - sometimes with friends. Nina is beautiful and is a dancer I believe, and Kira is the cutest female ever! - even if she does play the male role in the relationship. If you joined RLC to watch real life, spend some time with Nina and Kira - they won't disappoint. I hope these girls get to stay on RLC as long as they want to. I hope to watch them as long as they do.
  9. Apartment Review, Dasha & Demid This is one in a series of my honest opinion of the current apartments. I'm dividing each apartment into its own review so I could post each one in the appropriate thread. I'll post each as I complete it. Here's another couple that's been around a long time. And here's another couple where the male is overprotective of the female to a fault. Much like Paul, Demid is afraid to show Dasha in her glory. I understand there was a time when Dasha was at or near the top of the list for how happy she made the viewers. I can imagine that, because she's one of those women you get caught staring at in a restaurant. Currently, however, Demid insists on covering her up under covers and I don't see any indication that 'bating is any different - other than a few times in the bathroom. The guests they have over are interesting, and the Guitarist presents some very good music. As like Leora & Paul, it might be time to let this couple go. They have overstayed their welcome and it's hard to imagine not having a 50-50 chance of improvement if they did go.
  10. Apartment Review, Adriana & Daniel This is one in a series of my honest opinion of the current apartments. I'm dividing each apartment into its own review so I could post each one in the appropriate thread. I'll post each as I complete it. I like this apartment for more than a few reasons. First, this couple really, REALLY cares for each other. Daniel strikes me as a bit odd in some ways, but when you see the expression on his face when she's paying attention to him - it's priceless. It's almost like he cant' believe she loves him. It seems like Adriana would do anything for him. She certainly will do anything sexually to make him happy. There have been times she doesn't look like she's totally enjoying things, but she does it for him anyway. That says a lot about her. I do love those times she's about to 'bate and she looks at the camera with this "what are you looking at?" expression LOL I do wish I could buy her a new set of Pajamas though :) As I stated, I like this apartment. Not sure what it is, but I watch Adriana more than one would expect.. Maybe knowing she truly loves who she's with keeps bringing me back.
  11. This is what your going to end up with... pic 1 general comment comment about pic 1 pic 2 pic 3 comment about pic 3 general comment general comment comment about pic 1 pic 4 comment about pic 2 general comment comment about pic 2 general comment general comment pic 5 comment about pic 4 comment about pic 1 (What a mess)
  12. Issue with that is you can only scroll through the pics on the current page and there are 815 pages at this point.
  13. Apartment Review, Maya & Stepan This is one in a series of my honest opinion of the current apartments. I'm dividing each apartment into its own review so I could post each one in the appropriate thread. I'll post each as I complete it. I understand this couple has been around a long time. Usually, it's pretty much "life goes on", but when it does get interesting, these two are a joy to watch. Maya is a beautiful specimen of a female, and shows her erotic side when sex is on the calendar for the night. Stepan, unlike Paul, still plays along with the RLC concept and doesn't keep Maya from expressing herself. In fact, he makes sure she does. The usual list of visitors is either family or pretty regular people, but now and then an eye brow raiser visits. The recent blond that changed in front of the cameras was one. This apartment is a "must stop" just to see if we should sharpen the image, sit back, and observe. :) I enjoy this apartment. It's not one I will observe for hours at a time, but when things get interesting I'm all smiles.
  14. I agree. Had people taken the time to learn how to link a picture to a comment in the comment thread, this wouldn't have been necessary. I'm not sure if the forum software would support a "button link", but if not, maybe a label added to each picture post that says ""to comment, right click on the time link (upper left corner of the picture post), "copy link", and include that link in the appropriate thread with you comment"" It's not that difficult. Besides wading through pages of comments to see pictures, now we still won't know what comments go with what pictures - and no way to fix it.
  15. Apartment Review, Leora and Paul This is one in a series of my honest opinion of the current apartments. I'm dividing each apartment into its own review so I could post each one in the appropriate thread. I'll post each as I complete it. We all know what I will say about Leora. She's gorgeous and a free spirit (when not controlled by Paul). If she were in the apartment by herself, or in one of the girl's apartments (K&K or DV&E), she would be a star - without a doubt. Over the years, she has entertained us and left us begging for more, but Paul has destroyed almost all of that. Paul is an idiot. He has lost interest in the RLC concept and is now jealous of all the attention Leora has gotten from the viewers. He has gotten to the point he is scared to death someone might see her pussy or ass, and does anything he can to control that possibility. He is far too over protective for this environment, and in doing so, has turned this once great couple into an "also ran". The ONLY time to watch this apartment is when Paul is absent. He adds nothing of value, and detracts from what might be considered the apartment with the most potential. At this point in time, if RLC decided to send this couple on their way, I would consider it an improvement.
  16. Well, it's been somewhat of a downer week for me in that RLC decided I had posted too much and banned me. It amazes me, however, that they think giving up my $45/m (and my potential 3 month subscription) is somehow going to gain them enough new subscriptions to make up what they are throwing away. I spent most days wondering if I was getting my moneys worth, but I suspect I would have stayed with them until I got bored. Oh well, they made the decision for me - now I have $45/m extra to spend on something else :) I plan on sticking around CC however, offering my 2 cents for those interested, and enhancing the better photos the members capture here, or what I can capture on the free cams, into my form of "art" - well, just for the fun of it. The discussions here (with few exceptions) actually are more interesting than the live cams in many ways. I also want to give a high five to the guys that provide translations. What we are watching is SO much more interesting when we know these people better from their conversations. And thanks to everyone that found my posts interesting :) Over and Out :) PS: Here's one I caught before RLC kicked me out ;) PSS: OH, I almost forgot. Since they banned me anyway, I'm going to post the video I recorded of Kami and her boyfriend before they left on vacation. I'll probably do that a day or so before K&K comes back to get you guys worked up LOL
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